by David Harsanyi | Jun 20, 2002 | Africa, Europe, WORLD
Dollars they desire; free-market capitalism they dread.
by S.M. Oliva | Jun 20, 2002 | POLITICS
Today I watched a bizarre spectacle. Attending a hearing of the Senate Appropriations subcommittee on transportation, I bore witness as, one-by-one, five United States senators of both political parties made the case for subsidizing perpetual failure. I saw them... by Stephen Johnson | Jun 20, 2002 | WORLD
Former President Carter, who often found good things to say about some of the world’s worst dictators, may not be the best person to sniff out the truth. His own willingness to excuse leftist governments that try to guarantee citizens economic privileges in place of political rights may also blind him to the wreckage that populism has left in this oil-rich but poverty-stricken nation.
by Sonia Arrison | Jun 19, 2002 | POLITICS
California’s Governor Gray Davis is in hot water over his acceptance of $25,000 from Oracle Corporation following the state’s no-bid $95 million dollar e-government deal with the company. And while the governor probably wishes he had never heard of... by Ralph R. Reiland | Jun 19, 2002 | POLITICS, Terrorism
Like three blind mice, Dick Gephardt, Hillary Clinton and James Carville are running around saying they want their eyes opened about what’s going on in this country about terrorism. House Minority Leader Gebhardt wants an investigation into “what the White... by Daniel Pipes | Jun 18, 2002 | POLITICS, Terrorism
Each spring, the State Department issues “Patterns of Global Terrorism,” its major report on the problem it defines as “premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents,... by Nicholas Provenzo | Jun 18, 2002 | POLITICS
Today, the Senate Committee on Finance will vote on a bill introduced by Sen, Charles Grassley of Iowa that would make it illegal for a US firms to re-incorporate overseas to avoid the tax bias against corporate overseas income. CMDC considers this and similar... by Don Luskin | Jun 18, 2002 | POLITICS
WorldCom has rallied as much as 53% in the two weeks since it was ignominiously ejected from the S&P 500 Index on May 14. Low-priced securities of distressed companies are often subject to such large moves in percentage terms. But WorldCom’s rally following... by Robert W Tracinski | Jun 17, 2002 | POLITICS
Today, more than a million people in Zimbabwe are starving, and up to three million face the imminent prospect of starvation. This has not yet excited much attention in the West. Zimbabwe, after all, is far away from the centers of American interest; all of our top...