Alex Epstein’s Energy Freedom Plan

112 specific actions the new admin can take to unleash American energy

The Case Against Net Zero 2050

Fossil fuels expert Alex Epstein shares everything you need to know about fossil fuels and what the world would really look like if we were “net zero” by 2050.

‘Caught-Red-Handed’: Scientists Call for Full Retraction of Nature’s Proximal Origin SARS-CoV-2 Paper, as Fraud Accusations Mount

‘Caught-Red-Handed’: Scientists Call for Full Retraction of Nature’s Proximal Origin SARS-CoV-2 Paper, as Fraud Accusations Mount

“[The] main thing still in my mind is that the lab escape version of this is so friggin’ likely to have happened because they were already doing this type of work and the molecular data is fully consistent with that scenario,” Andersen said to his colleagues, according to a report from Public, which published a series of Slack messages between the authors.

20 Myths About Fossil Fuels

20 Myths About Fossil Fuels

In Fossil Future, Alex Epstein refutes literally hundreds of myths about fossil fuels. Here are 20 myths that 11,000,000 people heard on Joe Rogan’s podcast this year, refuted.

The Danger of Radical Environmentalism

The Danger of Radical Environmentalism

The fundamental goal of environmentalism is not clean air and clean water; rather, it is the demolition of technological/industrial civilization. Environmentalism’s goal is not the advancement of human health, human happiness, and human life; rather, it is a subhuman world where “nature” is worshipped like the totem of some primitive religion.



Anti-fossil-fuel politicians, like Rep. Cori Bush, tried to discredit Alex Epstein’s Congressional testimony on energy security using 100% false personal attacks. They failed, and all such future attempts will fail.

Thankyou Elon Musk!

Thankyou Elon Musk!

Elon Musk’s mistakes should be viewed in the context of his achievements. Musk has contributed to human flourishing not only by developing Tesla and SpaceX and co-founding Open AI. By taking over Twitter and shaking it up, he has exposed the government’s violations of free speech.

The Malthusian Contradiction

The Malthusian Contradiction

Specific resources are limited. There’s only so much oil, land and water. But resources, in general, are unlimited — or rather, limited only by human ingenuity.

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