This battle is much larger than the legal status of Ivermectin. What’s really at stake here is the idea of medical freedom itself. And freedom is a precondition for scientific inquiry and the search for the truth. It is also essential for health.
Forget About Covid, They Say
By all means, forget about Covid and live life as normally as possible in defiance of those who live to foster fear. But, never forget the disastrous Covid restrictions that created such destruction. We cannot let anyone off the hook, much less pretend that the policy disaster that created billions of personal tragedies never happened.
Should I Vaccinate My Child Against Covid?
Yesterday, Florida followed Norway by not recommending the Covid vaccine for children. The CDC recommends them.
Coming to the Nuisance
Coming to the nuisance essentially means “first in time, first in rights.”
Biden’s State of the Union Address Adheres to his Climate Agenda
President Biden touted his climate agenda in his state of the union address despite the rising price of oil and natural gas, which has helped to spur the worst inflation in the United States in many years.
Comedy, Tragedy, or Both? Time to Reign In The Power of “Public Health” Bureaucrats
The science behind pandemic management needs to be decentralized and include genuine discussion and debate rather than allowing a small cabal to take full power while censoring everyone else.
The CDC Discovers Actual Public Health, Just in Time…for the Elections
CDC’s drastic reversal on vaccine mandates seems little to do with a change in “the science,” and more to do with improving Democrats’ dismal approval ratings ahead of the November elections.
Putin’s Return to Stalinism as Russia Invades Ukraine
What Putin fears is not just NATO’s defensive armaments but their ideas—most fundamentally, America’s arms and ideas, specifically the concept of individual rights.
Vaccine Cronyism?
The AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine is used in 170 other countries, but was never approved in the US. What explains this? I fear the answer might be cronyism- a troubling and harmful alliance between a handful of drug producers and the federal government.
Leonard Peikoff Salutes The Canadian Freedom Truckers
“I believe that totalitarianism in the form of some kind of national socialism is on its way. That the Democrats are pushing for it and the Republicans are impotent – they’re not strong enough – they don’t fight it the right way.”
Could Mark Cuban’s Plan to Disrupt Big Pharma Actually Work?
Politicians like to talk about bringing the price of prescriptions down, but per usual, the true leaders in society actually do it.
No Vaccine, No Service
A private vaccine requirement does not prevent unvaccinated individuals from dining out elsewhere. A government vaccine mandate prohibits unvaccinated individuals from dining out anywhere.
Humans Must Choose Egoism: An Excerpt from Andrew Bernstein’s Captalist Solutions
The key to Ayn Rand’s version of rational egoism lies in understanding the nature of values, and the role they play in human life.
Central Planning vs. Vaccination
Medical freedom for all would and should include insurance rates and employment contracts that accounted for avoidable risks. And such freedom ends where another person’s reasonable risk ends.
How to End Poverty: Stop “Redistributing” Wealth
Poverty cannot be reduced, in the long term, by “redistribution” of wealth. It can only be done by leaving people free to produce and keep the wealth they create.
Today’s Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Four countries have the desire and potential to destroy the free world and bring us to a new Dark Age with them as rulers—a real Apocalypse.
Winning Freedom Requires Radical Laissez-Faire Capitalist Solutions
What passes for “deregulation” or market-based reform has limited connection with any call for a truly laissez-faire capitalist United States.
Socialism: Armed Robbery and Murder Based on Delusion and Profound Ignorance
Video of George Reisman’s TedX talk on socialism.
Vaccines Save Lives
Rather than forcing the vaccine on the young or those with natural immunity, we should focus on vaccinating more older Americans, as well as older people in other countries. That is what will keep the mortality numbers down
The NYT Just Compared Biden’s Spending Bill to LBJ’s ‘War on Poverty.’
There’s Just One Problem: That War Failed
Say “No” To Vaccine Mandates for Young Children
Our children are the most vulnerable minority. It is wrong to force them to risk their physical health and wellbeing as part of a scientific experiment, because we adults are afraid of what a virus will do to us.
The Economics of Socialism (Part 5)
He who expects a rational economic system from socialism will be forced to re-examine his views.
The Economics of Socialism (Part 4)
The exclusion of free initiative and individual responsibility, on which the successes of private enterprise depend, constitutes the most serious menace to socialist economic organization.
The Economics of Socialism, Part 3
Is there no way in which some kind of economic calculation might be tied up with a socialist system?
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