If a laissez-faire capitalist society is to be achieved, a political movement pursuing a long-range program will be necessary.
The Gold Standard, Not Price Controls, Can End Rising Prices
The Republicans need to show that (1) the Democrats, not businessmen, are responsible for rising prices and that (2) what is needed to end rising prices is not price controls but the gold standard.
Taylor Swift, Brittany Mahomes, Politics, and the Value of Friendship
The idea that Taylor Swift, who on Tuesday endorsed Kamala Harris for president, should purge from her life people, like Brittany Mahomes, who don’t share her political beliefs is not a healthy or enlightened one.
Alex Epstein’s Summer Talking Points: Gasoline Prices
Any politician who supports the “net zero” agenda is working to make gasoline prices much higher.
Hatred of Western Civilization: Why Terrorists Attacked America
The late Dr. John Lewis read this statement to his class on September 12, 2001 — the day after America was attacked by Islamic Jihadists. His words are all the more relevant today.
In Defence of Big Business
The failure to distinguish between economic power and political power leads people to believe that large corporations have grown through coercion.
“New Right” vs. Free-Markets and Capitalism
The “New Right” faction argues for increased government intervention in the economy, protectionist measures, and the strengthening of monopoly labor unions.
The Curious Case of Typhoid Mary Revisited
Typhoid was ultimately conquered not by jails but by sanitation, hygiene, and antibiotics.
The Myth of the Free-Market US Health Sector
Conti, Frank, and Cutler shatter the common myths that the United States has “largely unregulated prices” for medical care or is “one of the only developed countries where health care is left mostly to the free market.”
To Reduce Political Violence, Fight Statism
This politicization of personal choice is the essence of statism. In “The Roots of War,” Ayn Rand explained statism’s results: “The degree of statism in a country’s political system, is the degree to which it breaks up the country into rival gangs and sets men against one another.”
JD Vance’s Healthcare Record Should Give Republicans Pause
Former president Donald Trump is pitching himself to voters as the antidote to the Biden administration’s inflationary policies. That will require ditching the interventionism his running mate has previously championed.
Prisoner Exchanges Between the United States and a Tyranny Like Russia are Asymmetrical
Russia and other tyrannies can take hostages whenever they choose to and use them as bargaining chips.
Why Government Should Leave Oil and Gas Mergers Alone
O&G mergers are good for America because they increase domestic production, which makes oil cheaper and increases our national security. Government should get out of the way immediately.
50 Common Fallacies About American Health Care
Virtually all discussion of health care policy today avoids explicit reference to underlying principles.
How Medicare Reduces Quality and Access To High Quality Medicalcare
Declining reimbursement rates, on top of losses in purchasing power, result in reduced access to care, as some physicians have limited the number of Medicare patients they accept or have stopped accepting new Medicare patients altogether.
“Trump is a Hitler-Level Threat To Democracy”: On Civil Discourse and Political Reality
The idea that any one candidate is a threat to democracy is ridiculous, and anyone making such claims was never taught about our Constitution and the checks and balances within our three co-equal branches of government.
July Fourth Celebrates America’s and the West’s Core Values
Reason, Rights, and Science Are What Made America Great
Universal Health Care Freedom on the Fourth of July
It is precisely because our health care is so important to each of us that we need to be especially careful to preserve and protect the rights of physicians and other health care providers.
Trump’s Proposal To Replace The Federal Income Tax with Tariffs
If Trump’s goal is simply to eliminate the federal income tax, then he should advocate for doing that and only that.
You Keep Using the Term ‘Authoritarian’
There is nothing in the Constitution about a vast army of bureaucrats who rule behind the scenes that is in no way reachable or manageable by elected representatives.
Trump Gag Order Violates Your Freedom of Speech
Mr. Trump isn’t the only victim of this ill-advised gag order. It violates your First Amendment rights and mine as well.
Obliterating “The Deep State”: Trump’s “Schedule F” Won’t Cut It
To reduce the administrative state, Congress would need to unwind or revise many of the interventionist statutes it has passed over the decades.
Biden’s Protectionism Isn’t “All About National Defense”
Biden’s protectionism is overwhelmingly and above all about expanding and cementing his political support by creating rents for special-interest groups.
The Lockdown Caste System
Like Black Lives Matter, the Democratic Party enjoyed an exemption from the lockdown measures.
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