Portraying CEOs as Cartoon Villains

It is not the corporate CEOs who deserve to be blamed: statist governments are the real villains.

Emancipation From Lockdown in Florida

Emancipation From Lockdown in Florida

Governor Ron DeSantis has proven it: it is actually possible for a politician to wise up and do the right thing. In a sweeping order announced September 25, the governor has opened up the entire economy.

Politicians on the Take?

Politicians on the Take?

It’s bad enough when politicians kill businesses with COVID-19 shutdowns. It’s worse if they kill a business because the owner won’t give money to their friends.

Big Spending Joe Biden

Big Spending Joe Biden

Historically, Democrats moved left during the primaries, and then back toward the center once nominated. Not this time. Biden’s people met with Bernie Sanders’ staff and concocted a grotesque orgy of spending.

Government Failure

Government Failure

Scour the newspaper any day of the week and you will read stories detailing the many failures of the federal, state, and local governments or agencies, and of their stupendous ability to commit the same mistakes over and over again. Yet these agencies are the one that people turn to in times of troubles or needs.

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