Governor Ron DeSantis has proven it: it is actually possible for a politician to wise up and do the right thing. In a sweeping order announced September 25, the governor has opened up the entire economy.
Wrong Doesn’t Mean Evil
On demonizing those who have different political views.
US Presidential Elections: Who Should Objectivists Vote Against
Andrew Bernstein on voting against Joe Biden, and Robert Stubblefield on voting against Donald Trump.
Politicians on the Take?
It’s bad enough when politicians kill businesses with COVID-19 shutdowns. It’s worse if they kill a business because the owner won’t give money to their friends.
Deep Impact: Free-Markets are the Best Response To an Economic Crisis
When the world suddenly changes, we want an economic system that adjusts and reflects our updated knowledge and desires. That requires prices to move, quantities to change, bankruptcies to occur and a whole lot of profiteering – whether in our world or in fictional worlds.
As Democrats Call Trump a Mass-Murdering Racist; His Poll Numbers Rise
How ironic if, after the media and Democratic leaders’ three-plus years of maligning Trump as a xenophobic racist, Hispanic and Black voters help keep Trump in the White House for four more years.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the NBA, the NFL and the Sciences
What explains the fact that over 80% of professional basketball players are black, as are about 70% of professional football players?
Big Spending Donald Trump
Last week, I tallied Joe Biden’s spending plans. This week, President Trump’s.
Democrat Joe Biden’s Vision for America
For Uncle Joe, “community,” “compassion,” and “love” means command and control government.
The ‘Diversity’ Fraud
what justifies diversity? Nothing but unsupported assertions, repeated endlessly, piously and loudly.
Institutional Racism in America’s Universities
Institutional or systemic racism is enshrined by many of America’s institutions of higher learning, including Harvard and Yale.
Abolish Agencies and Repeal Regulations That Hamper Medicine
Abolish the FDA. Repeal medical licensing.
Big Spending Joe Biden
Historically, Democrats moved left during the primaries, and then back toward the center once nominated. Not this time. Biden’s people met with Bernie Sanders’ staff and concocted a grotesque orgy of spending.
No Fathers: The Greatest Inequality for Black American Children
The most serious “inequality” is the unequal percentage of fathers in Black households, a phenomenon that has been encouraged by government policies that normalize and reward out-of-wedlock births.
“Anti-Racist” Racists
Both white supremacists and anti-racists believe “race is an immutable attribute of who we are.”
Obama on President Donald Trump
Former President Barack Obama once again pulled out the race card for political gain, consequences be damned.
Biden’s Lies for Black (and White-Privilege Guilt) Votes
Biden sees Black people as pawns to whom condescending lies can be told with no fear of retribution, no matter how blatant the falsehood.
Is Racism Responsible for Today’s Black Problems?
In recent times, there is an average of 9,252 black-on-black murders every year. Over the past 35 years, that translates into nearly 324,000 blacks murdered at the hands of other blacks. Only a tiny percentage of blacks are killed by police.
“Systemic Racism” is Caused By Tribalism, Not Capitalism
If the ideology and policies of “systemic racism,” identity politics, and cancel culture win out in the arena of American politics and cultural acceptance, it will be the end of America.
Black American Self-Sabotage
There is a crisis within the Black community that one cannot pin on racism.
“Progressive” Policies Wreck Everything
The alternative to capitalism that brings poverty and tyranny for everbody.
Race-Tinted Glasses
Random Thoughts While Not Out ‘Protesting’
Government Failure
Scour the newspaper any day of the week and you will read stories detailing the many failures of the federal, state, and local governments or agencies, and of their stupendous ability to commit the same mistakes over and over again. Yet these agencies are the one that people turn to in times of troubles or needs.
Ten Varieties of Anti-Capitalism
The ten varieties of anti-capitalism are anarchism, medievalism, nationalism, socialism, communism, fascism, populism, racism, environmentalism, and subjectivism.
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