Dr. Thomas Sowell has argued, “The black family, which had survived centuries of slavery and discrimination, began rapidly disintegrating in the liberal welfare state that subsidized unwed pregnancy and changed welfare from an emergency rescue to a way of life.”
Elections and Legitimacy
Elections failed to prevent every recent American commander-in-chief from expanding and exploiting the dictatorial potential of the presidency.
Why U.S. Election Politics Breeds Divisive Fears and Angers
Michelle Obama’s words imply that if there is to be healing and uniting it means that all those who think the “wrong” way must come over and only think according to the anti-capitalist “progressive” worldview of those on “the left.”
TMZ to Elder on ‘Systemic’ Racism: You’re Using Facts; I’m Using Humanity
“Facts don’t stop being facts if you are Black — and you are wrong.”
An Open Letter to Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
I have a public message for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. I will keep it brief and rated “G.”
Why I Love America
“America is, and always will be, a shining City on a Hill.” – Ronald Reagan
Random Thoughts On and Around Election Night
No matter what happens with the presidency, it appears, as of this writing, that Republicans have a good shot at retaining control of the Senate.
The Democratic Party Has Turned Against Civilization
No matter who wins the election, what remains of American freedom will be in serious jeopardy. Nevertheless, on just about every issue, Biden and the Democrats are more anti-freedom than Trump and the Republicans.
Why Vote Anti-Democrat This Election
The battle of 2020 is between the alternative of Republican populist-nationalism vs. Democratic racist-nihilism. Nationalism, in its present form, is a mix of deregulatory sugar and populist poison, but nihilism is suicide.
Why To Vote Against Trump
Trump has taken over the Republican Party and stripped it of all vestiges of ideology. Trump is the most anti-ideological, anti-conceptual president in memory.
Donald Trump Deserves Four More Years
Peace and prosperity normally get a president reelected. But for the last four years, our media, Hollywood, academia, and Democrats have acted anything but normal.
Blame Trump?
The question is if our nation can survive the widespread anti-Trump hate.
To Recover From Economic Lockdowns Embrace Laissez-Faire Capitalism
If we want to recover from the pandemic and the devastation of the government lockdowns, we must embrace the freedom-restoring solution: capitalism.
Socialism’s Real Agenda: Destruction of the Human Soul
At the deepest level socialism entails the destruction of the human soul- which means the destruction of the mind, of rights, of values, of hope, of freedom- the turning of helpless victims into frightened, selfless beggars hoping for a crust of bread. This is the real meaning and motive of socialist “idealism.”
The Coronavirus Crisis Catastrophe Was Caused By The Actions of Government
What do the Great Depression and the Second World War have in common with the coronavirus crisis of 2020? They have all been caused by government!
Ice Cube Gets It — Almost
In a video Cube posted on social media, he wondered what Blacks are getting in return for their virtually unquestioned loyalty to the Democratic Party.
Reason and Individualism: The Antidote to Racism
It is important to recognize that people are not prisoners of their subconscious and have the power to re-program it by correcting false ideas, including racism, through reason.
Kamala vs. Pence: The 2020 Political Circus and The Supreme Court
What really stood out in the vice-presidential debate that said something meaningful, not just about this election but the political times in general in which we live? That both the Trump-Pence and Biden-Harris teams have Big Plans to run your life.
Who Funded That?
The truthfulness, or “factfulness,” of a proposition does not depend on the biases of the person uttering it – psychologically, ideologically, pecuniary, or otherwise. It depends on the nature of the evidence.
‘Blackfishing’ and Racial Deception
If as it has now become acceptable to call oneself a woman, when one has the anatomical equipment of a male, then why isn’t it okay to claim that one is black, Latino or Asian when one is really Caucasian?
The Meaning of Wealth In Today’s America
As cronyism has increased in America alongside statism, we have a growing class of people whose wealth comes, to a large extent, from government favors.
Lockdown: The New Totalitarianism
The lockdowns are looking less like a gigantic error and more like the unfolding of a fanatical political ideology and policy experiment that attacks core postulates of civilization at their very root.
Breonna Taylor Case: Black Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron Called ‘Sellout,’ Compared to Slavemaster
“It’s time to stop telling black Americans what we’re allowed to believe.”
Health Care Is Not A Right
The term “socialized medicine” is never used. Instead we hear demands for “universal,” “mandatory,” “single-payer,” and/or “comprehensive” systems.
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