Peace and prosperity normally get a president reelected. But for the last four years, our media, Hollywood, academia, and Democrats have acted anything but normal.
Blame Trump?
The question is if our nation can survive the widespread anti-Trump hate.
Ice Cube Gets It — Almost
In a video Cube posted on social media, he wondered what Blacks are getting in return for their virtually unquestioned loyalty to the Democratic Party.
Kamala vs. Pence: The 2020 Political Circus and The Supreme Court
What really stood out in the vice-presidential debate that said something meaningful, not just about this election but the political times in general in which we live? That both the Trump-Pence and Biden-Harris teams have Big Plans to run your life.
Wrong Doesn’t Mean Evil
On demonizing those who have different political views.
As Democrats Call Trump a Mass-Murdering Racist; His Poll Numbers Rise
How ironic if, after the media and Democratic leaders’ three-plus years of maligning Trump as a xenophobic racist, Hispanic and Black voters help keep Trump in the White House for four more years.
Big Spending Donald Trump
Last week, I tallied Joe Biden’s spending plans. This week, President Trump’s.
Democrat Joe Biden’s Vision for America
For Uncle Joe, “community,” “compassion,” and “love” means command and control government.
Big Spending Joe Biden
Historically, Democrats moved left during the primaries, and then back toward the center once nominated. Not this time. Biden’s people met with Bernie Sanders’ staff and concocted a grotesque orgy of spending.
Obama on President Donald Trump
Former President Barack Obama once again pulled out the race card for political gain, consequences be damned.
Joe ‘You Ain’t Black’ Biden: Please See ‘Uncle Tom’
“You got more questions but I tell ya, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.”
Why Americans Should Not Abolish The Electoral College
For more than two centuries the Electoral College has encouraged coalition building, given a voice to both big and small states, and discouraged voter fraud.
Senator Elizabeth Warren: Central Planner for ‘State Capitalism’
Warren herself would have made a bad president, but of far more concern was her potential to act as a force multiplier for bad presidents down the road.
Mike Bloomberg’s Nanny State
Bloomberg may not be a communist, but he is no principled, limited-government capitalist, either. Bloomberg, unfortunately, is yet another unprincipled power-hungry political egomaniac.
The Revolutionary Bernie Sanders
Bernie Sanders is indeed a “dumb dupe” about economics. Or as the Soviet Communists used to put it, “a useful idiot.”
Establishmentarians for Authoritariansim
Sam Donaldson Seeks Bloomberg vs. Trump
President Donald Trump: Good, Bad, Ugly
I hope we get more of the good from Trump and less of the bad and ugly.
President Trump’s Impeachment Trial is a Political and Not a Legal Process
“Impeachment is whatever Congress says it is. There is no law.”
Milking Taxpayers for “Free Stuff” Contest, Round 2
Whoever wins… taxpayers lose.
Ilhan Omar and Steve King: A Tale of Two Flamethrowers
For a party that considers Republicans racist/bigoted/sexist, how do Democrats somehow, someway manage to tolerate, if not embrace, Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn?
“Lack of Diversity” as a Call for Affirmative Racism
On the the call for a nation where one will be judged by the color of their skin over the content of their character.
Bloomberg is Wasting His Billions For The Democrat Presidential Nomination
Billionaire Michael Bloomberg is wasting his money on his bid to win the Democratic nomination for president.
If Trump Is ‘Racist’ for Questioning Waters’ IQ, What Is Waters for Questioning the Intelligence of Dr. Carson?
When a black politician, like Waters, questions the intelligence of an intelligent black male Republican, well, that’s just …
Democrat Presidential Debate: 10 Tough Questions CNN/ NY Times “Forgot” To Ask
Here are 10 questions that CNN/NY Times moderators failed to ask…
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