Money & Banking

Establishment of Gold as Money (Part 6 of 10)

The establishment of gold as money is essential to the achievement of a capitalist society.

Free Banking and Economic Development, Part 2

Free Banking and Economic Development, Part 2

When Adam Smith first drew attention to the benefits of fractional-reserve banking, those benefits were but a glimmer of far more impressive gains to come. In 1776, the year of the appearance of Smith’s Wealth of Nations, Scotland had only 10 note-issuing banks, the...

Free Banking and Economic Development, Part 1

Free Banking and Economic Development, Part 1

The most tangible achievements of the free market—the vast improvements in technology and productivity, the industrial plant and infrastructure from which these derive, and the extensive retailing networks that deliver industry’s fruits to consumers—would be far more meager were it not for past and present lending financed by fractionally-backed bank liabilities.

The Golden Rule Reinterpreted

The Golden Rule Reinterpreted

To many, the “Golden Rule” is an idea that underscores the value of civility and fair dealing. But there is another, less magnanimous definition: “He who has the gold makes the rules.” In the current global economy, the surplus countries have the gold and sooner or later we will be living by their rules.

The Folly that is “Local” Currency

The Folly that is “Local” Currency

How’s this for a great idea: we build a small fleet of cars, and market them to people in the local community. How do we compete with Ford, G.M., Toyota, and all those other huge car companies? Easy. You see, our cars will have special octane requirements that will...

Where’s My Model?

Where’s My Model?

Anyone who peruses my work on free banking—or my other writings for that matter—will notice that I’m not especially inclined to express my ideas mathematically. To put the matter more positively: I prefer plain English. The preference has if anything grown more marked...

Capital and Cash Reserves

Capital and Cash Reserves

I promise to make this my last post for a while concerning the matter of 100-percent versus fractional-reserve banking. However, in addressing some comments on my recent posts it occurred to me that some very serious misunderstanding is at play concerning the...

Those “Other” 100 Percent Reserve Banking Advocates

Those “Other” 100 Percent Reserve Banking Advocates

In the aftermath of the U.S. banking crises of the 1930s, it became common for American economists to speak of the “inherent” instability of fractional-reserve banking and of the “perverse elasticity” of money supply in fractional-reserve banking systems. What the...



Despite the bright light streaming into my office window, reminding me of the beautiful spring weather here in Athens, I managed to spend most of yesterday afternoon listening to the first installment of Ben Bernanke's 4-part lecture series on "The Federal Reserve and...

Yet Another (Unconvincing) Argument Against Gold

Yet Another (Unconvincing) Argument Against Gold

It seems that various pro-gold utterances in the course of the Republican primaries have provoked critics of the gold standard to circle their wagons and start shooting. But while the sheer volume of shots fired has been impressive, the shooters' aim has been lousy....

Bernanke Spooks Gold

Bernanke Spooks Gold

This past week, gold and silver experienced one of their steeper drops in recent months. After gold had touched a four month high, and silver came close to a six month high, prices abruptly reversed course. By the end of the week gold had sold off more than 5 percent,...

America Mortgaged at an Adjustable Rate

America Mortgaged at an Adjustable Rate

The Federal Reserve ran another "stress test" on major financial institutions and has determined that 15 of the 19 tested are safe, even in the most extreme circumstances: an unemployment rate of 13%, a 50% decline in stock prices, and a further 21% decline in housing...

Central Banks Beat Up on Private Creditors

Central Banks Beat Up on Private Creditors

Last week the Greek government, with the heavy handed support of its larger friends in the Eurozone, succeeded in coercing some 85.8 percent of private sector bondholders to "voluntarily" exchange €206 billion-worth of Greek sovereign bonds for newer bonds with longer...

Inflation Held in Check by Fear

Inflation Held in Check by Fear

History has shown us time and again that out of control money supply expansion creates inflation. In light of the trillions of synthetic dollars that have been injected into the economy by the Federal Reserve over the past five years, most observers (this one...

Keynesians Jump the Gun on Inflation

Keynesians Jump the Gun on Inflation

Advocates of government stimulus are running victory laps on recent developments that appear to vindicate their strategy. In particular, Paul Krugman compares the sluggish growth in Europe to the somewhat-less-sluggish growth in the US to prove that stimulus was more...

Great Depression II: Key Indicators of a New Depression

With the mainstream media focusing on the country's leveling unemployment rate, improving retail sales, and nascent housing recovery, one might think that the US government has successfully navigated the economy through recession and growth has returned. But I will...

Use Bankruptcy Courts Not More Financial Regulation

"I'm from the government, and I'm here to help." Ronald Reagan considered those nine words the most terrifying in the English language. And the government has been offering a lot of such help lately. Most recently, of course, is the trillion-dollar health care bill...

Inflation and Deficits: Politicians Cause Inflation

With the massive increases in federal spending, inflation is one of the risks that awaits us. To protect us from the political demagoguery that will accompany that inflation, let's now decide what is and what is not inflation. One price or several prices rising is not...

Fraud in Academia: Grade Inflation 101

Soon college students will come home and present parents with their grades. To avoid delusion, parents should do some serious discounting because of rampant grade inflation. If grade inflation continues, a college bachelor's degree will have just as much credibility...

Altruism: The Moral Root of the Financial Crisis

Altruism: The Moral Root of the Financial Crisis

The financial crisis is, fundamentally, a moral crisis. To end the crisis, we must acknowledge that government intervention caused it, and we must demand that the government begin removing its coercive hands from the economy. With an eye to the short term, we must demand that it scale back the powers of the GSEs, the Federal Reserve, and the FDIC; and with an eye to the long term, we must demand that the government abolish these agencies entirely and restore a gold standard run by private, currency-issuing banks subject solely to the objective commercial and bankruptcy codes.

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