Why are 58% of new gun owners Blacks, and 40% women?
Guns and American Liberty
Richard Ebeling on why armed self-defense is essential in a free society.
Virginia’s Second Amendment Attack
As a friend once explained to me, “I carry a gun because I can’t carry a cop.”
Calls To Restrict Gun Ownership Are Part of a Strategy To Ban Guns All Together
Americans who call for stricter and stricter gun control know that getting rid of rifles will do little or nothing for the nation’s homicide rate. Their calls for more restrictive gun laws are part of a larger strategy to outlaw gun ownership altogether.
Right to Print Arms
Are you very afraid? 3D-printed guns are coming. "Virtually undetectable!" shrieked CNN. "This changes the safety of Americans forever!" shrieked MSNBC. Does it? Six years ago, a company called Defense Distributed posted blueprints for 3D-printed guns on the web. The...
How Many Lives Are Saved by Guns — and Why Don’t Gun Controllers Care?
How many lives are saved each year through the use of firearms
Bogus Gun Research
Last week Rep. Nancy Pelosi warned President Donald Trump that if he declared an "emergency" to build a wall, "think what a president with different values can present... Why don't you declare (the epidemic of gun violence in America) an emergency, Mr. President? I...
Where’s the Common Sense in ‘Common Sense’ Gun Laws?
“What about the beneficial effect of gun ownership?”
Doing Something About Mass Shootings In Schools
Organizing and signing online petitions against gun manufacturers may be emotionally gratifying but will not end gun violence.
Defense of Innocent Lives Requires Gun Ownership By Honest Persons
Dr Andrew Bernstein establishes the practical case for upholding the right to bear arms and validates the moral right of honest persons to own guns. Guns, in the hands of honest, trained persons, save innocent lives.
The Fatal Fallacy of Gun Control
The fatal fallacy of gun control laws in general is the assumption that such laws actually control guns. Criminals who disobey other laws are not likely to be stopped by gun control laws. What such laws actually do is increase the number of disarmed and defenseless victims.
Showman-in-Chief: President Obama on Guns and Crime
None of the things proposed by president Obama is likely to reduce gun violence.
Smearing Scientists Who Disagree with State Propaganda
Academics who don’t toe the leftist line get attacked and lose their jobs.
Anti-Gun Laws Benefit Criminals, Terrorists and Politicians, and Leave The Innocent Defenseless
What might have happened if a few of the 1,500 concert attendees in Paris’ Bataclan theater had guns?
Guns and Self Defense: The Anti-Freedom “Progressive” Vision
After every tragic shooting, liberals and progressives call for more gun laws. They exploit American ignorance as to why the Framers gave us Second Amendment protections.
The ‘Gun Control’ Farce: Part II
A disarmed population makes crime a safer occupation and street violence a safer sport.
The ‘Gun Control’ Farce
Gun control zealots are almost always people who are lenient toward criminals, while they are determined to crack down on law-abiding citizens who want to be able to defend themselves and their loved ones.
The Massive Ignorance Behind The Guns Cause Crime Agenda
Do you want to live in a world where a violent criminal knows that all the nonviolent, noncriminals out there are disarmed?
Gun Control Lies
I can’t convince my friends in New York City, but it’s just a fact: More guns — less crime.
Constitutional Ignorance and Dereliction
The following are some statements by the Founding Fathers. You tell me which one of them suggests that they gave us the Second Amendment for deer and duck hunting and protection against criminals.
Obama Uses Tragedy in Charleston To Push Anti-Second Amendment Agenda
The vast majority of people who own guns for their own self-protection are in no way responsible for a criminal, terrorizing person’s choice to harm others.
Gun Control Laws Protect Criminals By Disarming Their Law Abiding Victims
The great bulk of the studies show that gun control laws do not in fact control guns. On net balance, they do not save lives but cost lives.
ObamaCare Phase Two: Point the Gun at Your Doctor
The New York Post reports that New York doctors are “treating ObamaCare like the plague,” according to a new survey. See? I told you so. A poll conducted by the New York State Medical Society finds that 44 percent of MDs said they are not participating in the nation’s...
Are Guns the Problem?
Why — at a time in our history when guns were readily available, when a person could just walk into a store or order a gun through the mail, when there were no FBI background checks, no waiting periods, no licensing requirements — was there not the frequency and kind of gun violence that we sometimes see today, when access to guns is more restricted?
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