Africa’s locust plague is man-made.
Walter Williams
Michael Bloomberg: Stop, Question and Frisk
Black people must ask what needs to be done to stop criminals from preying on them and making so many of their communities economic wastelands.
Anti-Americanism on College Campuses
The true tragedy is that so many Americans are blind to the fact that today’s colleges and universities pose a threat on several fronts to the well-being of our nation.
A More or Less Perfect Union
Ginsburg explores the U.S. Constitution and features interviews with and gains the perspectives from constitutional experts of all political views — liberal, conservative and libertarian.
The Worst Enemy of Black People According to Malcolm X
“The worst enemy that the Negro have is this white man that runs around here drooling at the mouth professing to love Negros and calling himself a liberal, and it is following these white liberals that has perpetuated problems that Negros have.” — Malcom X
Economics Reality: Good and Bad Economics
Economics is fun and simple. It’s made complicated by some economics professors. Let’s apply some simple tools of economics to reveal outright myths, lies and tricks.
The United States of America is Not a Democracy
If we’ve become a democracy, it would represent a deep betrayal of our founders, who saw democracy as another form of tyranny.
Diversity and Inclusion Insanity
“There are some ideas so absurd that only an intellectual could believe them.”
The Crime Tax on Low Income Neighborhoods
Crime imposes a hefty tax on people who can least afford it.
The New Racism
The new racism, born in academia, is just as ugly as the old racism.
College Diversity Bureaucracies Undermine Education
Unless the cycle of promoting and nursing imaginary grievances is ended, diversity bureaucracies will take over our colleges and universities, supplanting altogether the goal of higher education.
Virginia’s Second Amendment Attack
As a friend once explained to me, “I carry a gun because I can’t carry a cop.”
Corrupting Our Social Norms
It’s not just academics and judges who now see sex as optional.
Morality of Free Markets
If millennials and others want to wage war against government favors and crony capitalism, I’m with them 100%. But I’m all too afraid that anti-capitalists just want their share of the government loot.
Fraud in Higher Education
The fact that unscrupulous parents paid millions for special favors from college administrators to enroll their children pales in comparison to the poor educational outcomes, not to mention the gross indoctrination of young people by leftist professors.
Black Americans: Fodder For the Democratic Political Agenda?
White and black “liberals”, who claim that blacks face a “mortal threat” from the “white supremacist in the White House” are perpetuating a cruel hoax. The primary victims of that hoax are black people.
Climate Scientists: Dishonest or Afraid?
Once in a while environmentalists reveal their true agenda.
Statistical Disparities Do Not Prove Discrimination
Statistical disparities do not prove discrimination.
Calls To Restrict Gun Ownership Are Part of a Strategy To Ban Guns All Together
Americans who call for stricter and stricter gun control know that getting rid of rifles will do little or nothing for the nation’s homicide rate. Their calls for more restrictive gun laws are part of a larger strategy to outlaw gun ownership altogether.
U.S. in Decline Because of Left’s Attack on Traditional Moral Values
The left’s attack on religion is just the tiny tip of the iceberg in our nation’s moral decline.
A Compilation of the Madness and Intolerance on U.S. College Campuses
If you need an accurate update on some of the madness at the nation’s institutions of higher learning, check out Minding the Campus, a nonprofit independent organization.
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