But behind all of these negative and usually unintended consequences arising from the imposing of a government-enforced hourly minimum wage remains the fundamental ethical issue: who shall have the right to decide under what terms and conditions people enter into gainful employment?
Richard M. Ebeling
Trump’s Protectionist Tariffs Threaten a Trade War
The illogical trade policies of President Trump not only threaten to make Americans poorer, but could start a global trade war that could lead to decreasing standards of living for hundreds of millions of people around the globe.
Capitalism and “Public Goods” Like National Defense
The competitive market economy is a powerful institutional mechanism for bringing human ingenuity, energy and creativity to bear to improve both the material and cultural circumstances of multitudes of people around the world. Wherever relatively free market...
The Debt Ceiling Hysteria and Profligate Government
The Crisis is Not Debt Default, But Too Much Government Spending
A Government Shutdown is Not Really a Shutdown
Would it really matter if most, or even all, of federal employees who are sent home stayed home permanently?
Yemen: The Land That Freedom Forgot
How life is lived when a people have not been touched by the ideas of the Enlightenment and a philosophy of freedom.
The Presidential Legacies of Donald Trump and Barrack Obama
Barack Obama’s paternalism or Donald Trump’s nationalism?
A Pro-Capitalist Political Agenda
What a real advocate of Capitalism might say if he was offering himself for political office.
Capitalism and Free-Market Competition
According to the critics of capitalism, competition is a cruel process feeding unnecessary wants, that evolves into anti-competitive monopolies acting contrary to the “public interest.”
Capitalism and Monopolies
Harmful monopolies are always created by government.
A “Right Side” to History? The Failure of Marx’s Predictions About Capitalism, Part 2
Those who speak about being on the “right side of history” have, knowingly or not, adopted a central element in Karl Marx’s analysis of capitalism
A “Right Side” to History? The Failure of Marx’s Predictions About Capitalism, Part 1
One of the most common phrases to be heard from those on “the left” is the assertion that someone or some public policy is or is not on “the right side of history.”
What Capitalism Is and What Capitalism Is Not (Part 2 of 2)
The free enterprise, or capitalist, system has done more to improve the material condition of humanity than any other economic arrangement of human cooperation in all of recorded history.
What Capitalism Is and What Capitalism Is Not (Part 1 of 2)
“Capitalism is an economic system based on the principle of every individual’s right to his own life, his own liberty and his own honestly acquired property. This private property includes his own mind and body, and the physical products that his mental and physical efforts have produced.”
Reclaiming “Liberalism” From The Anti-Capitalist “Progressive” Left
Historically “liberalism” originally meant, and continues to mean for some, individual freedom, private property, free enterprise and impartial rule of law under constitutionally limited government.
The Mystique of State Power
Governments and ideological movements, Rougier explained, wrap themselves in “mystiques” that serve as the rationales for claims to an ethical and legal right to rule.
Only Capitalism Can End The Racism of “Identity Politics”
The change from social attitudes and political systems of collectivism to that of ones more “individualistic” began in “the West,” in Europe and then North America.
America Does Not Need Socialism, But More Laissez-Faire Capitalism
The program for a socialist America shows the intellectual bankruptcy of those on “the left.”
Austrian Monetary Theory vs. Federal Reserve Inflation Targeting
The phantom of “inflation targeting.”
Ten Years On: Recession, Recovery and the Regulatory State
All that the American economy has gone through over the last decade is not a “crisis of capitalism,” understood as a truly free market, but the crisis of the government managed and manipulated system of economic control, command and accompanying corruption.
The Anti-Capitalist Attack on Freedom of Thought, Speech, and Association
The assertion and repetition of “white privilege,” “the one percent,” “social justice,” “racist,” “gay-basher,” “LGBT-hater,” “gender insensitivity,” etc., have had numbing effects on private and public discourse.
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