Richard M. Ebeling

Dr. Richard M. Ebeling is the recently appointed BB&T Distinguished Professor of Ethics and Free Enterprise Leadership at The Citadel. He was formerly professor of Economics at Northwood University, president of The Foundation for Economic Education (2003–2008), was the Ludwig von Mises Professor of Economics at Hillsdale College (1988–2003) in Hillsdale, Michigan, and served as vice president of academic affairs for The Future of Freedom Foundation (1989–2003).

If America Were Totalitarian, Where Would You Want to Live?

Today, government gorges on trillions of dollars of tax money every year, and still has to borrow a trillion dollars a year on top of all that, which has created a huge national debt.

American Capitalism Means Individualism and Freedom, Not Government Paternalism

American Capitalism Means Individualism and Freedom, Not Government Paternalism

Too many in the older generation in America have lost their understanding of what freedom means and why constitutionally limited government is both necessary and desirable. And the vast majority of the young have never been taught in our government-run schools the ideas, ideals, and political institutional foundations upon which this country of ours was created.

The Truth About Free Trade, Free Markets and Capitalism

The Truth About Free Trade, Free Markets and Capitalism

Americans will most gain from whatever trading opportunities that may offer themselves around the globe if the U.S. government follows a strict and principled policy of unrestrained and unrestricted free trade with any and all nations of the world.

How the FED Causes Booms and Busts

How the FED Causes Booms and Busts

The result of the Federal Reserve’s increase in the money supply, which pushes interest rates below that market-balancing point, is an emerging price inflation and an initial investment boom, both of which are unsustainable in the long run.

The Hubris of the Political Power-Lusting “Leaders”

The Hubris of the Political Power-Lusting “Leaders”

The friends of freedom must remind their fellow citizens that the only fundamental political question in any election is whether or not those running for political office unswervingly declare their allegiance to the philosophy of individual rights to life, liberty and property and its accompanying social system of free market capitalism?

Welfare State Fascism: Obama’s “Middle Way” Between Capitalism and Socialism

Welfare State Fascism: Obama’s “Middle Way” Between Capitalism and Socialism

The danger from the seemingly reasonable pragmatism that President Obama proposes as the norm and ideal for a middle or “third way” between capitalism and socialism is that is constantly moves society away from the competitive market economy and individual liberty and more and more in the direction of greater and more government planning and control over facets and corners of our lives.

The Free Market versus the Bureaucratic State

The Free Market versus the Bureaucratic State

As Ludwig von Mises explained, an enterprise or activity is either guided by the pursuit of profit or it is not: Make profits by satisfying consumers better than the market supply-side rivals or meet the legislative mandate of the government bureau or agency by following the rules and procedures specified in your job description.

America’s National Debt Bomb Caused by the Welfare State

America’s National Debt Bomb Caused by the Welfare State

The Federal debt has now crossed the $19 trillion mark. When George W. Bush entered the White House in 2001, Uncle Sam’s debt stood at $5 trillion. When President Bush left office in January of 2009, it had increased to $10 trillion. Now into seven years of Barack Obama’s presidency, the Federal debt has almost doubled again.

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