Mark Da Cunha

Mark Da Cunha is the editor of Capitalism Magazine and creator of Twitter: @capitalismorg

The Meaning of Americanism: What America Is by C. Bradley Thompson

Review of “What America Is: The Moral Logic of the American Revolution and Other Essays” by C. Bradley Thompson (2023).

Novak Djokovic in Vax Mandate Land

Novak Djokovic in Vax Mandate Land

The Biden administration bans unvaccinated Novak Djokovic, who tests negative for covid-19, while welcoming vaccinated foreigners who are potentially positive for the virus. Welcome to the anti-science, anti-freedom fascist world of Vax Mandate Land.

Let Novak Play

Let Novak Play

Banning uninfected foreigners, like Novak Djokovic, from the US because they are unvaccinated is anti-science as vaccination does not stop the spread of covid-19, and anti-American as it violates the principles of individual freedom & choice that America was founded upon.

The Academy Awards Rewards Violence

The Academy Awards Rewards Violence

The distinction evaded in the condemnation of Chris Rock’s joke and the apologetics for Will Smith’s act of violence is the difference between speech and physical force.

Why Vote Anti-Democrat This Election

Why Vote Anti-Democrat This Election

The battle of 2020 is between the alternative of Republican populist-nationalism vs. Democratic racist-nihilism. Nationalism, in its present form, is a mix of deregulatory sugar and populist poison, but nihilism is suicide.

Bryan Adams is Not a Racist, But a Victim of “Social Justice”

Bryan Adams is Not a Racist, But a Victim of “Social Justice”

Whether one agrees with Adam’s views on “wet markets,” the origin of COVID-19, or the benefits of veganism, the “social justice” attacks on Bryan Adams as a “racist” are misguided. Far from being a racist, Bryan Adams is a victim. Bryan Adam’s accusers owe him an apology.

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