Joshua Lipana

Joshua John M. Lipana is a free market and Objectivist writer.

Senator Rand Paul

A recent article about Senator Rand Paul in unintentionally reveals a lot about why the GOP has failed to make the proper case against the welfare state and in favor of constitutionally limited government. In the article, we see some admirable stances from...

Sam Harris Versus the Self-Made Man

Sam Harris recently published an article in The Huffington Post entitled "A New Year's Resolution for the Rich" in it, he says: "...devotees of self-reliance rail against those who would receive entitlements of various sorts -- health care,...

The Anti-American START

Advocates of the new Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) want America to reduce its nuclear capabilities in exchange for Russia 's word that it will do likewise. Does this make sense? Russia, throughout its history, has been an authoritarian if not...

George W Bush: Enemy of Capitalism, Friend of Statism

Do not let the Bush tax cuts fool you, it was an anomaly in an administration filled with big government statist policies. Regulations, redistribution of wealth, the Obama presidency, and a whole host of collectivist policies are what Pres. Bush’s real economic legacy is all about.

The Bloody Outcome of Aquino's Appeasement

I wrote an article in Capitalism Magazine on November 20, 2010 on the chosen course of appeasement that the Philippine president Noynoy Aquino has chosen. As of that writing Pres. Aquino has consistently upped the appeasement, and as such, the results are horrors that...

The Aquino Government's Appeasement

It would be wrong but understandable to look at appeasement as an option when one is facing down a giant. But when one tries to appease mice, there's a low point that just baffles the mind.Beginning in the month of October, the Philippine military has been racking up...

Philippines: First Step, Lower Taxes

There are a lot of developing countries in the world who are looking for an answer to their woes, our country being one of them. The biggest question out there is “How do we become a 1st world country?” A great first step for us would be; lower taxes. Lower it as much...

Censorship Strengthens Islamists

Censorship Strengthens Islamists

The prospect of another semi-free country falling to Islam is in danger of happening. In the Philippines a bill that would criminalize the use of words like “Muslim” and “Islamic” to describe criminals has been filed by Sen. Ramon...

First Step: Lower Taxes

There are a lot of developing countries who are looking for an answer to their woes. The biggest question on their mind is "How do we become a 1st world country?" A great first step for them would be; lower taxes. Lower it as much as possible. Almost all countries...

Philippines: Open Letter to Noynoy Aquino

Noynoy Aquino President-Elect of the Republic of the Philippines Mr. President-Elect, congratulations on winning the election. I hope I was right in thinking you were the most promising of all the candidates. Mr. President-Elect, Keep your pledge not to raise taxes....

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