We need to take seriously the lesson of the last 25 years. It is because the peace process negated the principle of moral judgment, that it enabled the Palestinian movement to subjugate, indoctrinate, and impoverish its people while continuing to attack Israel.
Elan Journo
The Jamal Khashoggi Execution Reveals The Anti-Capitalist Nature of The Saudi Arabia Regime
Any rational view of our interests would recognize that Iran — along with Saudi Arabia — is a wellspring of the jihadist movement.
The Lesson of the Afghanistan War: 17 Years Later
The United States could have defeated the Islamist forces in Afghanistan, but we did not believe we had a moral right to.
U.S. Is Morally Justified In Leaving The United Nations Human Rights Council
The Trump administration was right to withdraw from the U.N. Human Rights Council. But to truly uphold the principle of rights, the U.S. itself needs to take seriously the moral difference between freedom and tyranny.
Israel’s Chief Enemy Is Also Ours
Israel, the region’s only free society, faces a virulent movement fighting to eradicate individual freedom and to impose totalitarian rule in the name of Islam — the jihadist cause — and Iran is a leader of that cause.
The Palestinian Movement is Hostile to Individual Freedom
Let’s recognize that the Palestinian movement is deeply hostile to individual freedom, and treat it accordingly.
America’s White-Washing of Saudi Arabia Betrays Capitalist Values and Enables a Statist Regime
For years, the U.S. has embraced Saudi Arabia as an ally, but at the deepest level, Saudi Arabia is hostile to our ideal of individual rights.
U.S. Should Not Turn a Blind Eye Toward Egypt’s Statism
The Cairo regime is notorious for flouting individual rights, freedom of speech, and rule of law. If Trump takes those political ideals seriously, he should call out, rather than turn a blind eye to, Egypt’s persistent authoritarianism.
Appeasing The Campus “Thought Police”: UCLA Bans Book at a Free Speech Event
If today’s students are increasingly hostile to intellectual freedom, can we really expect tomorrow’s voters, lawyers, judges, politicians to uphold free speech?
How To Defeat Islamic Totalitarianism
To deter jihadists and would-be recruits, it’s crucial to demonstrate that their totalitarian vision is unrealizable, that their cause is doomed.
The Ideas Behind The Islamist (Jihadist) Movement
Understanding the Jihadists.
The “Great Satan” Bows To Theocracy: On The Nuclear “Deal” with Iran
Iran’s domestic repression and its imperialist march and its nuclear aspiration are inseparable.
Multiculturalism is No Boon to Education, But an Agent of Anti-Western Ideology
By reshaping the curriculum, the purveyors of “diversity” in the classroom calculatedly seek to prevent students from grasping the objective value to human life of Western culture–a culture whose magnificent achievements have brought man from mud huts to moon landings.
Our Self-Crippled War
In Washington’s “compassionate” war, we give the enemy every advantage–and then compel our soldiers to fight with their hands tied . . . ever tighter.
President Obama Whitewashes Iran
In his address to the joint session of Congress, President Obama said that "We cannot shun the negotiating table" in conducting our foreign policy. He's previously elaborated that "if countries like Iran are willing to unclench their fist, they will find an extended...
With or Without Nukes, Iran Is a Mortal Threat
Imagine that your neighborhood is overrun by a gang. These brutes are wielding crowbars, knives, and pistols in a frenzied spree of home break-ins and mugging and murder. Now suppose the police reveal that their grand strategy for dealing with this gang is to block...
Bush’s War Policy: The Top Campaign Non-Issue?
It's staggering to think that as we march toward a seventh year at war, Iraq (let alone Afghanistan) is hardly an issue on the campaign trail. Of course, nobody has forgotten about the war. But there's been no substantive debate on it, either. John McCain, echoing...
Terrorism: The Price of Bush’s Commitment to Palestinian Statehood
On his recent visit to the Middle East, Vice President Cheney voiced the Bush administration's belief that a Palestinian state is "long overdue" and vowed to help make that goal a reality. Many conservatives and liberals agree with the administration that America...
The Assasination of Benazir Bhutto and The Pakistan Crisis
The assassination of Benazir Bhutto has, we're told, upended Washington's foreign policy. "Our foreign policy has relied on her presence as a stabilizing force. . . . Without her, we will have to regroup," explained Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.) in the Washington Post....
Why Was Washington Surprised by the Pakistan Crisis?
Few reports about the Islamist threat are more alarming than the situation right now in Pakistan--a nuclear-armed country that Washington hails as a "major non-NATO ally." Having supported Musharraf's regime, Washington is now scrambling--pressing Musharraf to share...
Is Washington With Us?
Ever since President Bush's you're-either-with-us-or-with-the-terrorists speech in 2001, his administration has been regarded as shaping its defense policy according to black-and-white moral judgments. If you haven't already been convinced that that speech was empty...
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