On Tax Day consider some basic facts. The wealthiest 1% of the taxpayers pay 34% of all federal income taxes. The top 50% pay 96% of the total bill. This means that the least wealthy 50% pay almost nothing. In short, the income tax system soaks the rich. In the name...
Edwin A Locke
What We Should Remember on Martin Luther King Day
What should we remember on Martin Luther King Day? In his “I Have a Dream” speech Dr. King said: “I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”
Bush’s Tax Cut Plan is Both Moral and Practical
It time that we replaced guilt with the desire for justice.
Animal’s “Rights” Versus Man’s Rights: Animal “Rights” Activists Want to Sacrifice Man’s Rights
Human life versus animal life. This fundamental conflict of values was dramatized on June 23 in Washington D.C., when an animal rights march was opposed by AIDS victims marching in support of research on animals. It is an indisputable fact that many thousands of lives...
Abolish Antitrust!
Good afternoon.I want to address four issues regarding anti-trust as they apply to the Microsoft case.Anti-trust Paralyzes the Thinking ProcessIn my research on the traits of great wealth creators (The Prime Movers: Traits of The Great Wealth Creators), I identified...
Speech on Elian Gonzalez in Washington, D.C., Part 3
...The kidnapping of Elian, of course, had nothing to do with Elian's welfare. The motive of the raid was obviously an attempt by Reno to short-circuit Elian's bid for asylum and to railroad him back to Cuba before he could even have a hearing. She was counting on the...
Speech on Elian Gonzalez in Washington, D.C., Part 2
Cuban parents have been so desperate to save their children that more than 14,000 of them have been smuggled off the island unaccompanied by their parents. To quote from an Amicus brief on the Gonzalez case submitted by the Association for Objective Law: "Cuba is a...
Speech on Elian Gonzalez in Washington, D.C., Part 1
On July 4, 1776 America's Founding Fathers identified the fundamental moral principle on which our country was based. This principle was that every individual possessed the inalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The Founding Fathers also...
The Real (and Sinister) Meaning of the Elian Raid
Reno’s deeper premise is that a totalitarian dictatorship is not inimical to a child’s rights.
Commentary: How Christianity Created Capitalism
Michael Novak's "How Christianity Created Capitalism," (The Wall Street Journal, December 23, 1999) makes interesting fiction reading, but it totally ignores all the essential issues. The essential elements of religion are: supernaturalism (God transcends natural...
Judge Thomas Jackson’s Findings of Fiction in the Microsoft antitrust case
Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson has released his "findings of fact" in the Microsoft antitrust case. While his report did contain some correct information--such as the truism that a successful company tries to defeat its rivals--the central claims of his report are...
How to Achieve Real Campaign Finance Reform: Have a Government That Can’t Sell “Public Interest” Favors
Congress is once again addressing the issue of campaign finance reform -- and no wonder. The American public has become increasingly disgusted by the unprincipled manner in which our legislative process is conducted. The process, in essence, consists of swarms of...
Paul McCartney Joins PETA’s Attack on Human Rights: McCartney should fight against, not join, PETA’s fundraising event
At PETA's fundraising event in Hollywood on September 18, Paul McCartney presented a special award in honor of his late wife, Linda. He should hang his head in shame for supporting the animal rights movement.Is McCartney so ignorant as not to know the facts behind...
Modern Education Kills
Andy had “mastered” the core principles of modern education too well.
July Fourth Celebrates America’s and the West’s Core Values
Reason, Rights, and Science Are What Made America Great
Preserving America: George Soros versus Thomas Jefferson
George Soros is not just wrong about the issue of certainty and dictatorship; his claim is the opposite of the truth. By renouncing reason and certainty, Soros is not barring the door to dictators but putting out a welcome mat for them.
Why Clinton’s Race Panel’s Recommendations Will Not Work
Our leaders have not had the courage to identify the proper antidote to racism and the proper alternative to racial thinking: individualism.
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