Critics who applaud violence against executives like Brian Thompson misunderstand how the healthcare system operates — and seem content to wallow in those adolescent misapprehensions.
Peter C. Earle
Unreal(ized) Capital Gains Tax: an Economic Earthquake In the Making
A tax on unrealized capital gains constitutes an end-run on rights of private property and subverts fundamental market principles by taxing assets not yet sold or converted into income.
How Medicare Reduces Quality and Access To High Quality Medicalcare
Declining reimbursement rates, on top of losses in purchasing power, result in reduced access to care, as some physicians have limited the number of Medicare patients they accept or have stopped accepting new Medicare patients altogether.
Central Bank Digital Currencies vs Banking Freedom
By resisting the CBDC tide and instead strengthening our money with a commodity backing (preferably gold), the US would in one fell swoop create the world’s soundest and most stable monetary unit.
Capitalist Profits Do Not Cause Inflation
The idea that hundreds of thousands of businesses have colluded to raise prices to boost their profit margins and in so doing, engineered the inflation that continues to afflict Americans — is easily disproven.
Maui Needs Speculators
Proposals for a moratorium on land sales risk making the restoration a lengthier and more wasteful affair.
In Defense of “Junk” Fees
A government action against “junk fees” will result in the additional fees being bundled into a single, overall price, whether it’s a concert ticket, a new car, or some other item. Ironically or not, the opaqueness of blending all of those fees together makes it much easier to raise any or all of those fees over time.
The False Face of SBF, FTX, and ESG
FTX and its subsidiaries, guided by SBF, had as much to do with “building a flourishing future” as ESG does with “creating a livable planet.”
Biden Scapegoats ‘Mom and Pop’ Gas Station Owners For Rising Gas Prices
More than 60 percent of retail gas stations are establishments singularly owned by a family or an individual. And while the number has undoubtedly changed over the last decade, 2013 Census data reported that 61 percent of those stations are owned by immigrants.
To Fix the Shipping Crisis, Start by Repealing the Jones Act
The Jones Act, more commonly known as Section 27 of the Merchant Marine Act of 1920, restricts foreign-owned ships from loading cargo in one US port and unloading it in another.
On 9/11 Remembering the Truly Forgotten, Twenty Years Later
America’s attackers understood more about the roots of American prosperity and the wellspring of human prosperity than most Americans do.
Three – No, Four – Cheers for Space-Travelling Billionaires
The era of private space travel is well underway – and the enemies of capitalism do not like it.
Lockdowns Have Killed What’s Left of the United Nations’ Credibility
In the year 2020, the United Nations has effectively stood as a bystander and partial accomplice amid the most widespread violations of human rights at any time in its seven-decade history.
The Real Record of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation (1932)
The Reconstruction Finance Corporation (modeled after the earlier War Finance Corporation) was created in early 1932 under the Hoover Administration as what amounted to the “discount lending” facility of the Federal Reserve System: it would lend to financial institutions chartered by states and in rural areas.
COVID-19 Response: Why Should the U.S. Copy China Rather Than South Korea?
The South Korean government has brought about superior outcomes than the much heavier handed, authoritarian measures of China, Italy, the U.S., and virtually every other afflicted nation.
Obama’s New Documentary American Factory
American Factory is at its core a damning snapshot of American labor entitlement.
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