The idea of a completely open border with nothing but a welcome sign would represent a violation of government’s obligation to protect individuals from foreign threats.
Doug Reich
Imagine a Highway
If roads were private the owners would have an incentive to provide capacity, safety, and invent a pricing mechanism that would enable traffic to flow freely.
Price “Gouge” Me, Please!
Artifically low prices resulting from government decree causes an artificial shortage which results in long lines, empty stations, and lack of incentives for more supplies.
Separation of Film and State
Government intervention necessarily begets more intervention.
A Beautiful Epitaph
While reading “The Great Bridge: The Epic Story of the Building of the Brooklyn Bridge” by David McCullough, I came across a passage referring to the death of Emily Roebling, the wife of Washington Roebling, that I found particularly poignant.
Environmentalism’s Opposition To Human Flourishing
What the religion of environmentalism really opposes is man’s nature, i.e., the fact that man must reshape the earth in order to survive.
Cargo Cult Economics
Creating paper money does not create goods.
A Government Cut Is a Taxpayer Keep
When Obama castigates spending cuts he is really criticizing your just demand to keep what you earn. So don’t feel so bad.
The Left’s New Straw Man: The Shareholder as Mafia Boss
In a recent Washington Post op-ed, Harold Meyerson, an avowed socialist, compares corporations who buy back their own shares to Las Vegas mafia bosses who used to skim casino profits. The basis for his smear is "a recent paper by J.W. Mason, an economist at the City...
Nobody’s Perfect
Just as religious altruism pits man’s fundamental nature against him by demanding he be a self-sacrificial animal for God, so environmentalist altruism pits man’s fundamental nature against him by demanding he be a self-sacrificial animal for Earth.
Socialism is Based on a Philosophy of Death
We Would Not Have Killed 1.7 Million People in our Agrarian Utopia
Hollywood’s Carbon Footprint
No more movies. No more lights. No more power usage.
Why Obama Stumbles on Syria
The lack of a principled, moral approach to foreign policy is why Obama has America stumbling around the world actually threatening America’s interests rather than our enemies.
Americans Should Support Freedom and Individual Rights Rather than Democrats or Republicans
Ignorance or evasion of the meaning and nature of rights is why both the mainstream political parties seek to violate individual rights, just at different times and in slightly different forms.
A Parable on The Deception of Central Banking
Central banking requires that government bureaucrats act in a way to distort the entire economic system by introducing counterfeit credit into the monetary system in such a way that businessmen are continually fooled into acting in a way that mimics the behavior of businessmen operating in an actual economic boom.
The Myths Underlying Today’s Currency Wars
One myth driving the irrational policies of central planners is the idea that a depreciating currency is good for a domestic economy.
The Moral Case for Price “Gouging”
There is a knee-jerk response to the notion of an individual raising the price of his property during a storm that immediately evokes hostility from most people. Why?
Tyranny: An Essential Feature of Socialism
The power to seize control of industry, tax and redistribute the income of producers, control prices, inflate the money supply and stifle dissent by controlling the media, thwarting the ability to assemble or preventing the ability to flee the borders necessitates the threat of violence.
Offended Generation
The non-objectivity and relativism of post-modern philosophy has spawned an Offended Generation – a pathetic lot of fragile, whining imbeciles demanding a blue ribbon for existing and an Apology for being a victim of everything else that comes with it.
More on Bitcoin: Why It Cannot Replace Money
Why does anyone use bitcoin and what accounts for its popularity in some countries and industries?
Why Bitcoins Will Go To Zero, But Gold Will Not
Another view on Bitcoins.
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