In Obama’s vision, as a citizen of the world, there may be no reason why Iran should not have nuclear weapons when other nations have them.
Thomas Sowell
Who Trashes Liberal Arts?
Liberal professors have trashed the liberal arts, by converting so many liberal arts courses into indoctrination centers for left-wing causes and fads, instead of courses where students learn how to weigh conflicting views of the world for themselves.
What Has Hillary Clinton Ever Accomplished?
Hillary Clinton became an iconic figure by feeding the media and the left the kind of rhetoric they love.
Rule of Law Trumps Majority Rule in Singapore: The Legacy of Lee Kuan Yew (1923-2015)
At a time when other Third World countries were setting up government-controlled economies and blaming their poverty on “exploitation” by more advanced industrial nations, Lee Kuan Yew promoted a market economy, welcomed foreign investments, and made Singapore’s children learn English, to maximize the benefits from Singapore’s position as a major port for international commerce.
Ruinous ‘Compassion’
Minimum wage laws reduce employment opportunities for the young and the unskilled of any age.
Two Warnings: Churchill and Netanyahu
Winston Churchill understood that military deterrence was what preserved peace.
The ‘Disparate Impact’ Racket
Blacks are far more statistically “over-represented” among basketball stars in the NBA than among people stopped by police in Ferguson.
On The “Pay Gap” Between Men and Women
The “gender gap” is not nearly as big as the honesty gap.
Thomas Sowell’s Random Thoughts for March 2015
Random thoughts on the passing scene…
Giuliani Versus Obama
Barack Obama’s campaign promise to “fundamentally change the United States of America” hardly suggests love.
Damaging Admissions
Admitting students strictly on the basis of their academic qualifications, which might seem to be common sense, is rejected by many college admissions committees.
Glib ‘Happy Talk’
When Alfred E. Neuman said “What me worry?” on the cover of Mad magazine, it was funny. But this message was not nearly as funny coming from President Barack Obama and his National Security Advisor, Susan Rice.
Measles, Vaccines and Autism
The claim that the vaccine for measles causes autism has been discredited by evidence.
Stormy Weather and Politics
The ultimate test of any theoretical model is not how loudly it is proclaimed but how well it fits the facts.
Obama Versus America
The biggest advantage that the children of low-income immigrants have over the children of native-born, low-income families is that low-income immigrants have not been saturated for generations with the rhetoric of victimhood and hopelessness, spread by people like Obama, Holder and their counterparts overseas.
Random Thoughts for January 2015
Demographic “diversity” is a notion often defended with fervor but seldom with facts.
Early Presidential Prospects
Everyone knows what the Democrats stand for, but even some Republicans in Congress seem to have only a hazy idea of what principles Republicans stand for.
‘Diversity’ in Action
Europe is currently in the process of paying the price for years of importing millions of people from a culture hostile to the fundamental values of Western culture.
New Year’s Irresolution
Obama is for redistribution, even at the expense of his own country — if someone with such a “citizen of the world” viewpoint really thinks of America as his country, rather than a staging area for his world-changing, ideologically-driven crusades.
The ‘Equality’ Racket
What may be a spontaneous confusion among the public at large about the very different meanings of the word “equality” can be a carefully cultivated confusion by politicians, lawyers and others skilled in rhetoric, who can exploit that confusion for their own benefit.
Are Facts Obsolete?
Reasoned thoughts on Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Eric Garner and Rodney King.
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