Thomas Sowell

Thomas Sowell has published a large volume of writing. His dozen books, as well as numerous articles and essays, cover a wide range of topics, from classic economic theory to judicial activism, from civil rights to choosing the right college. Please contact your local newspaper editor if you want to read the THOMAS SOWELL column in your hometown paper.

Moral Hazard

Although “moral hazard” is an insurance term, it applies to other government policies besides insurance.

Throw the Rascals Out?: The Need For A One Term Limit

Throw the Rascals Out?: The Need For A One Term Limit

A one-term limit would simultaneously limit how long special interests could expect a pay-off from their campaign contributions. It would also limit, indeed eliminate, the need for millions of dollars of campaign contributions to stay in office.

Throw the Rascals Out?

Throw the Rascals Out?

The first step in limiting, and then scaling back, government itself must be limiting the time that anyone can remain in office — preferably limited to one term, to make it harder to become career politicians, a species we can well do without.

Race-Hustling Results: Washington Redskins and “White Guilt”

Race-Hustling Results: Washington Redskins and “White Guilt”

The blind and dishonest political correctness of our media and educational institutions on racial issues today can eventually forfeit the confidence of Americans and give similar extremist groups their chance to ignite a race war in the United States. And once a race war starts, it can be virtually impossible to stop.

Race-Hustling Results

Race-Hustling Results

Some people try to explain why Asians, and Asian-Americans, succeed so well in education and in the economy by some special characteristics that they have. That may be true, but their success may also be due to what they do not have — namely “leaders” who tell them that the deck is so stacked against them that they cannot rise, or at least not without depending on “leaders.”

A Return to Keynes?

A Return to Keynes?

Under Calvin Coolidge, the ultimate in non-interventionist government, the annual unemployment rate got down to 1.8 percent. How does the track record of Keynesian intervention compare to that?

Inarticulate Republicans

Inarticulate Republicans

If the continued existence of mathematics depended on the ability of the Republicans to defend the proposition that two plus two equals four, that would probably mean the end of mathematics and of all the things that require mathematics. Republican Speaker of the...

Who Shut Down the Government?

Who Shut Down the Government?

The money voted by the House of Representatives covered everything that the government does, except for ObamaCare. If Senator Reid and President Obama refuse to accept the money required to run the government, because it leaves out the money they want to run ObamaCare, that is their right. But that is also their responsibility.

Destroying Household Jobs

Destroying Household Jobs

  Despite evidence from around the world that minimum wage laws can price low-skilled workers out of jobs, the U.S. Department of Labor is planning to extend minimum wage coverage to domestic workers, such as maids or those who drop in from time to time to do a...

High Risk, Low Yield

High Risk, Low Yield

The time, effort and credibility that Republicans are investing in trying to defund ObamaCare is a high risk, low yield investment.

Minimum Wage Madness

Minimum Wage Madness

Countries with minimum wage laws almost invariably have higher rates of unemployment than countries without minimum wage laws.

Syria and Obama

Syria and Obama

How many Americans have learned to distinguish between Obama’s soaring words and his sorry record?

Serious About Syria?

Serious About Syria?

“Military action” is a polite phrase for killing people. It would be nice to believe that this has some larger purpose than saving Barack Obama from political embarrassment.

Unintended Consequences of Increased Minority Homeownership

Unintended Consequences of Increased Minority Homeownership

One of the many unintended consequences of the political crusade for increased homeownership among minorities, and low-income people in general, has been a housing boom and bust that left many foreclosed homes that had to be rented, because there were no longer enough...

A Poignant Anniversary

A Poignant Anniversary

The 50th anniversary of the March on Washington, and of the Reverend Martin Luther King’s memorable “I have a dream” speech, is a time for reflections — some inspiring, and some painful and ominous.

Reality Versus Mirages in Egypt

Reality Versus Mirages in Egypt

Barack Obama’s Middle East interventions have replaced stable and neutral despots in Egypt and Libya with anti-Western despots and chaos.

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