Stefan Spath


The Virtues of “Sweatshops”

This Christmas season witnessed no shortage of protesters who were outraged at the thought of all the nice gifts exchanged over the holiday season having been manufactured in so-called "sweatshops". In an act of monumental hubris, middle-class Harvard students, rich...

Mr. Putin Goes to Havana

This past week, Russian president Vladimir Putin visited communist Cuba on a diplomatic visit to that tropical paradise, that CNN commentators love to gush about, Cuba. [Now if only CNN would only move there permanently!]Many have questioned the purpose of the trip,...

Putting the Cart Before The Horse, Russian Style

Back in the late 1980s, nations of the west were delighted and pleased when Gorbachev introduced the political policies of Glasnost and Perastroika. Mild political reforms in a moribund communist behemoth were the antecedents to the eventual collapse of the Soviet...

The Crisis of Anti-Capitalist George Soros

I've just recently finished George Soros' new book, Open Society : The Crisis of Global Capitalism Reconsidered. In this 245-page mini-treatise, the renowned currency speculator and billionaire "guru" calls for more government regulation and bureaucratic management as...

“Federal Budget Surplus” Equals a Sign to Cut Taxes

The big news this campaign season has been the debate between the candidates over what to do with the Federal budget surplus. Depending on how you massage the numbers, the surplus of tax revenues over government expenditures is forecast to be in the trillions of...

Calls for a “New Financial Architecture” are Redundant

In responding to a crisis, most of us feel more comfortable employing some sort of action rather than inaction. Their is a call to "Do Something" -- even when nothing needs to be done. That is why politicians and sundry financial gurus from around the world have been...

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