Robert Spencer

Robert Spencer is director of Jihad Watch.

The FBI Knew Jihadis were Targeting Garland, Texas Free Speech Event

“It’s a whole other thing if you’re encouraging and cheering on the proposed murder of Americans who are standing in defense of the freedom of speech, and then not doing anything about it. Why did the FBI only have one agent there? And not a team waiting for them to shoot back?”

No Palestine State Until They Reject Jihadist Ideology

Millions around the world believe that when Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas submitted an application to the United Nations [last month] for admission of Palestine as an independent state, he was setting the stage for a new era of peace in the Middle...

U.S. Bombs on Libya May Backfire

As the U.S. fired more than 100 Tomahawk cruise missiles into Libya on Saturday, the objective seems clear.  Barack Obama declared that “we cannot stand idly by when a tyrant tells his people that there will be no mercy.”  He explained: ...

Obama's "Democracy" Delusions About the Middle East

President Obama made a strong statement in support of the Libyan protesters last Wednesday, condemning Gaddafi’s use of violence and affirming that the United States “strongly supports the universal rights of the Libyan people.”  Those include,...

Sweden: Suicide Bomb Against Free Speech

It was only a matter of time before jihad suicide bombers started operating in Europe. And now they have begun – in yet another salvo in the war against the freedom of speech that the West has barely noticed. “Now the Islamic state has been created. We now...

Sweden: Suicide Bomb Against Free Speech

It was only a matter of time before jihad suicide bombers started operating in Europe. And now they have begun – in yet another salvo in the war against the freedom of speech that the West has barely noticed. “Now the Islamic state has been created. We now...

The Myth That Muslims Are Being Victimized In America Today

"Attacks on the American Muslim community and on Islam rose to an unprecedented level in 2010." So claimed Nihad Awad, national executive director of the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), in an end-of-the-year fund-raising appeal. The...

Got Jihad?

What would it take for you to commit mass murder in the name of Allah? Would you do it for money? For love? Out of a sense of justice? Out of a sense of religious duty? Absurd as they may seem, these are serious questions, for as jihad mass-murder plots are...

It's Time to Profile Terrorists

As horror stories from the TSA become an ever-expanding genre, it is important to remember that the entire roiling controversy over airport security has come about solely because of the government’s refusal to acknowledge the true nature of the threat...

The "Islamophobia" Weapon

“The Muslim world is going through an unprecedented difficult and trying time,” said the Secretary General of the 56-state Organization of the Islamic Conference, Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, on Friday. One might reasonably have thought that he was referring to...

Pakistan Continuing Support of the Taliban

“Pakistan appears to be playing a double game of astonishing magnitude in Afghanistan” – so says a new report from the London School of Economics, which documents how Pakistani military intelligence is not only aiding the Taliban in Afghanistan, but...

Muslims Lying About Islamic Atrocities

As Muslims around the world continue to deny basic human rights to women and non-Muslims, Muslim spokesmen maintain a pattern of denial and deception. Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, a 43-year-old Iranian woman, is facing death by stoning this week for adultery, a capital...

Why There Should Be No Mosques at Ground Zero

Now that it has been revealed that not one, but two mosques are planned for the area around Ground Zero, the supremacist and triumphalist character of this effort is clearer than ever. Is the Muslim population of lower Manhattan so huge that one projected...

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