Senator Ted Kennedy recently underwent an operation to remove a brain tumor at Duke University. Besides Hillary Clinton, no other politician in America has devoted as much of his political career to the enslavement of physicians. The name Ted Kennedy (and Clinton) is...
Richard Parker M.D.
A Physician Comments on Abortion and the Morning After Pill
I was recently confronted in the Emergency Department with a situation I rarely encounter: a woman requesting "the morning after pill." Since I practice in a largely conservative state, for a few minutes I introspectively debated whether I should provide her with such...
Socialism: Clinton’s Health Care Legacy
Bill Clinton is not leaving quietly, certainly not when it comes to health care. In a Presidential and Congressional election year and in a cultural climate where the public has been "educated" to believe that health care is an entitlement, Clinton is again...
Government Controlled Medicine: The Destruction of the Physician-Patient Relationship (Part 2)
One of the most tragic effects of state controlled health care is the phenomenomen of "brain drain." No young bright individual, no dedicated physician who has spent years mercilessly studying and mastering his art wishes to be a slave to the government. For a...
Government Controlled Medicine: The Destruction of the Physician-Patient Relationship (Part 1)
Approximately 2500 years ago Hippocrates, a physician-philosopher and genius from Greek antiquity, put into motion one of man's greatest and noblest achievements-Western Medicine. The inheritors of Hippocrates' rational Art-the physicians of today-are routinely...
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