The last vestige of civilized Britain has fallen away -- the unarmed British "Bobbie." For 170 years, British police functioned without guns. Since their founding by Sir Robert Peel in 1829, Bobbies walked their beats armed only with their nightsticks. Until the last...
Paul Craig Roberts
Bring Back Justice
In John Ashcroft's confirmation hearings for attorney general, the United States missed a rare opportunity to remedy the disastrous decline in the truth-seeking and justice-dispensing functions of the criminal justice system. When the administration of justice goes...
Criminalizing Sex Ed
For decades, Planned Parenthood has been proselytizing that sex education is the answer to unwanted pregnancies and population control. The crusaders first breached the high schools, then poured into the elementary schools. Today, toddlers are taught the mechanics of...
Jesse Jackson’s “Civil” Rights Protection Racket
Jesse Jackson is a fraud, and so is his "civil rights" cause. It has come to light that the pious reverend has a mistress and an illegitimate 2-year-old daughter. This came as a shock to his wife and legitimate children, but it is the least of the reverend's...
Republicans Genuflect to Karl Marx
Few Americans realize it, but the Democratic Party adheres to the basic premise of Marxist political parties. The defining characteristic of a Marxist party is class warfare. The demonized class is "the rich," whether the rich are capitalists, pharmaceutical...
The Anti-Culture of the New Left Spawns Violence
What is it about guns that causes liberals to go berserk and blame inanimate objects for human behavior? Are liberals that much more emotional and less rational than the rest of us, or have liberals made guns the scapegoat for the consequences of liberal policies that...
Political Change Requires Moral Conviction
One of the reasons Republicans govern less successfully than Democrats is that conviction is rarer among Republicans. Under fierce intellectual attack since the days of Calvin Coolidge (the 1920s), Republicans have been made unsure of their ideas -- a strong defense...
Bill Gates, Meet Ayn Rand
If you want to understand what is happening to Microsoft, read "Atlas Shrugged," Ayn Rand's classic story of the bureaucratic assault on the entrepreneurial spirit. In "Atlas Shrugged," Hank Rearden, inventor of the fabulous Rearden metal, is harassed and blackmailed...
Tax Slaves Existing for Government
Alan Keyes, a candidate for the Republican 2000 presidential nomination, argues that the income tax is a slave tax and that Americans are slaves. He is correct. A slave is a person who does not own his own labor. After tax, successful Americans retain no more of the...
The U.S. Child and Family Services Gestapo Targets Parents
This Christmas season, take a moment to say a prayer for the many innocent people sent to prison by injustice. You can safely say, "There, but for the grace of God, go I," because the myriad causes of well-intentioned people have made it possible for anyone, no matter...
Law and Order Tyranny
If you live in Albuquerque, N.M., and you have teen-agers who might be inclined to raid your wine, beer or whiskey cupboard while you are away, rent your housing, don't buy. The city council has recently passed a law [September 2000] that lets the city seize your home...
Dangers Lurk in War on Crime
The war against crime is getting out of hand and needs to be reassessed before the Constitution is torn to shreds. Both lawmakers and law enforcers have forgotten that the ends don't justify the means. In the determination to pursue crime -- drug-related crime -- ever...
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