George Mason University is dedicated to empowering women. Take, for example, the "Turn Off the Violence Week" event that ran October 3rd-9th. The event, like similar events offered on college campus throughout the country, was a partnership between Mason's women's...
Nicholas Provenzo
CBS Demonstrates Modern Journalism’s Pseudo-Objectivity
The feeling in the newsroom must have been exhilarating: in the face of blistering attacks questioning the heroism of John Kerry in Viet Nam made by supporters of President Bush, CBS News would offer damning evidence that would indict the president as a hypocrite....
Periferiiny Kapitalizm
You might not know it, but economic freedom is to blame for Russia's recent turn toward authoritarianism, at least according to Lilia Shevtsova, cochair of the Russian Domestic Politics and Political Institutions Project at the Carnegie Endowment Moscow Center....
Art Finally Comes to George Mason University
Controversial art historian Lee Sandstead will speak this Monday evening at the Johnson Center on something this campus hasn't seen or heard about in decades--art.What? How can I say this? Isn't there art everywhere at Mason?Well, yes, there is a lot of "art" on...
The Threat of GMU’s Faith-Based Crusaders
There is a lot of faith on campus this semester. On the first day of classes, a gauntlet of recruiters for a Christian missionary group passed out flyers to students stating that while we may aim to improve our lives through education and hard work, such efforts are...
Public Agencies Take Turn Suing Microsoft
Antitrust settlements are a lot like shark chum--they attract predators instead of staving them off. Consider the case of Microsoft. Microsoft chose to settle an antitrust suit brought by the California class action bar to the tune of $1.1 billion dollars in software...
The Culture: Productivity and Sacrifice
A businessman is a creator. They take the abstract theories of scientists and engineers and turn them into practical reality. They marshal the material, money and productive talent necessary to create a bounty unknown to any other period of history. Prior to the era...
Thoughts on Internment of Japanese Americans During World War II
According to its publisher, conservative columnist Michelle Malkin's controversial new book In Defense of Internment: The Case for Racial Profiling in World War II and the War on Terror in support of the WWII incarceration of Americans of Japanese descent argues that...
Conservativism vs. Individual Rights
Consider the following paragraph in an unsigned editorial that appeared last month in the Wall Street Journal arguing in support of the detention of US citizens such as suspected al Qaeda operative Jose Padilla as enemy combatants without the writ of habeas corpus: In...
Capitalism and (Microsoft’s) Freedom
According to Kenneth W. Starr in his Feb. 19 Washington Times Op-Ed column, "A stitch in crime," the Microsoft antitrust settlement contains loopholes that allow Microsoft to avoid competing in the marketplace on the merits. Yet rather than attack Microsoft, perhaps...
Spaced Out: George W. Bush’s Mission to Mars
I say the best tribute to the heroes of space exploration, both living and dead, would be bring to wilds of space the same level of freedom that once made it possible for men to settle the wilds of the American continent.
The Draft Is Anathema To Human Freedom
In his Op-Ed column, "To arms," Tony Blankley argues that the youth of America needs to be sacrificed for the greater good and hints that we may need the draft to do it. Referencing the last living veterans of this generation, Blankly writes: Just as the country that...
The Classic Libertarian Error
You might not have known it, but a self-styled Objectivist ran for California governor. Douglas Logan Darrow Clement's, businessman and host of FreeNation.TV ran as a Republican. His website has him holding a copy of Atlas Shrugged and quoting Ayn Rand. Clements ran...
Facing Down North Korea
when we have agreed to the North Korean’s terms in the past, we only find ourselves facing them again later, stronger, and even more threatening.
Take No Half-Measures in Protecting Doctors from Antitrust
The following text is the June 10th oral testimony of CAC Chairman Nicholas Provenzo before the District of Columbia Council Committee on Consumer and Regulatory Affairs regarding The Physicians Joint Negotiating Act of 2003. Madam chairman, members of the committee,...
Physicians are Not Criminals; But Businessmen
The following is an excerpt of an address given by CAC Chairman Nicholas Provenzo to the doctors of the Colorado Medical Society on May 04, 2003. Ladies and Gentlemen, Good Morning. I thank you for your kind attention this morning and I thank the staff and directors...
Capitalism for Doctors
The following is an excerpt of an address given by CAC Chairman Nicholas Provenzo to the Colorado Medical Society on May 4, 2003. Ladies and Gentlemen, Good Morning. I thank you for your kind attention this morning and I thank the staff and directors of the Colorado...
A Capitalist Takes the Republican Presidential Victory Team Issues Survey
I am a Republican. I chose to be a Republican because in our current political climate, and compared to the alternatives, I judge the Republican Party to offer the best defense of my values. That said, the Republican Party infuriates me. As someone who is...
Rick Santorum’s Moral Outrage
Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA) is under fire. According to the transcript of the now infamous interview he gave to AP reporter Lara Jakes Jordan this week, Santorum believes that regulating consensual sex between adults is a compelling government interest, while...
The Liberation of Baghdad
Yesterday, in civilization's cradle, they danced. After Marines knocked one of Saddam Hussein's statues off its pedestal, joyful Iraqi men danced as they dragged its decapitated head through the streets of their capital, while others symbolically beat posters of...
The Aims and Prosecution of the War with Iraq
After months and years of unheeded ultimatums, the US stands on the brink of war with Iraq. In his television address last night, President Bush gave Saddam Hussein one last chance to save himself: he and his sons must quit Iraq within 48 hours. It is considered...
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