Michelle Malkin

Malkin is a graduate of Oberlin College in Oberlin, Ohio. She lives with her husband in North Bethesda, MD.

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The Moose is On Fire

I can't change the TV channels without seeing the ubiquitous mug of former Montgomery County, Md., police chief-turned-author Charles A. Moose. First, it was "Dateline NBC" with Stone Phillips. The following morning, he chatted up the "Today" show's Matt Lauer. Now,...

P.C. vs. B.C.

Have you read the comics lately? They're not your father's funny pages, anymore. The superheroes and silly creatures of old have taken a back seat to more politically correct characters -- such as single working women ("Cathy" and "Maxine"), gay teens ("For Better or...

Cincinnati Under Siege: Yawning at Black-On-White Violence

Cincinnati is burning. Does anyone care? This mid-Western city has been under siege since Monday, its downtown and surrounding suburbs overrun by black demonstrators targeting innocent white bystanders and businesses. Roving thugs have looted dozens of white-owned...

Not A Good IDEA: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

Buried in President Bush's liberal-spending, $44.5 billion education budget is a little-noticed proposal to increase funds for special education. The budget item intends to help states and school districts comply with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act...

The McCain-Feingold Indian Giving Loophole

deep-pocketed special interest group remains curiously silent amid the furor over campaign finance "reform": Indian tribes. Why? You might think tribal leaders would be swarming Capitol Hill, joining other business groups and trade associations that are rightly...

Bush’s Baseball Tax Fetish

What is it with some Republican leaders and baseball? When it comes to America's national pastime, the party of lower taxes and less government leaves its principles in the dust. The lead GOP pitcher for sports pork is President Bush, who launched a federally...

Compassionate Liberalism: The Senate’s Charity Case

Now we know which political party is truly the Party of the Little People. Noble Senate Democrats have come to the aid of a downtrodden woman. They are furiously passing the plate for this destitute soul, pulling out all the stops to help her get back on her feet. Who...

Humorless at Harvard: The Bastion of Academic Slavery

A young Harvard undergrad enraged the campus emperors of political correctness this week when he tried to tickle their funny bones. Justin Fong, a writer for the Harvard Crimson student newspaper, quickly discovered that the emperors have no clothes, no spine, and...

Hollywood’s Celebrity Bush Bashers

Get ready for the red-carpet parade of egos. It's Oscar time again. Millions will tune in this weekend to gawk and swoon as the world's most famous actors and actresses celebrate their favorite subject -- themselves. As the night of a thousand stars approaches, what...

The Death of Jesse Dirkhising

"Jesse slowly suffocated and died." A jury heard those chilling words this week in the opening statement of a little-noticed Arkansas trial. A mother heard those heartbreaking words spoken about her 13-year-old son, Jesse Dirkhising, whom prosecutors say died at the...

George W. Gore?

George W. Gore?

Everybody in Washington frets about Vice President Dick Cheney's health, but what about his boss? President Bush is beginning to look a little too green for his own good. He may be in need of ideological defibrillation. Over the past several weeks, the Bush...

Nader & George and Fannie & Freddie

Have pigs grown wings? Is it snowing in Hades? Ralph Nader actually said nice things about President Bush this week. The devil's tail must be blue with frostbite. In an opinion piece Nader co-authored for The Wall Street Journal on Wednesday, the standard-bearer of...

Democratic Sen. Robert Byrd, Ex-Klansman

Democratic Sen. Robert Byrd, Ex-Klansman

Ex-Klansman Robert Byrd, the senior senator from West Virginia, casually used the phrase "white nigger" twice on national TV this weekend. Enraged civil rights groups organized a protest campaign against Sen. Byrd and demanded that he undergo sensitivity training ......

Backstreet Boy’s Off-Key Junk Science Crusade

If you thought the musical offerings of the Backstreet Boys were hard on the ears, wait'll you hear them croon about their political pet causes. One member of the famous pop singing group, Backstreet Boy Kevin Richardson, has established an environmental foundation...

In Search of Honorable Men

If you are looking for male role models, men with spines of steel, men of courage, and men of honor, don't open a newspaper or turn on the TV. All you'll find are louts: -- Our former president figuratively trashes the White House for eight years -- and then literally...

Gun Shows Under Fire: Bureaucrats Attempt To Ban Gun Shows

Gun Shows Under Fire: Bureaucrats Attempt To Ban Gun Shows

Here's the thing about the Bill of Rights: It isn't an a la carte menu. You can't just pick and choose. But that's exactly what public officials in my neighborhood want to do in their brazenly unconstitutional attempt to ban gun shows. The Montgomery County (Md.)...

American Citizenship For Sale?

In his inaugural address, President George W. Bush issued a call to reinvigorate citizenship: "We are bound by ideals that move us beyond our backgrounds, lift us above our interests, and teach us what it means to be citizens. Every child must be taught these...

Some Probing Questions About Bush Cabinet Nominee Elaine Chao

In this poisonous era of identity politics, it is impossible to raise questions about a prominent minority figure without being branded a racist. But since I am an Asian-American, and the subject of my scrutiny is an Asian-American, perhaps we can put aside the race...

Look Who Supports Americorps

President Clinton triumphs again. His relentless propaganda machine, in the last throes of its legacy-building frenzy, sent out a White House press release this week heralding the success of AmeriCorps. Created in 1993, this big-government boondoggle pays young people...

What America Owes Me

O.J. Simpson lawyer Johnnie Cochran and friends want to file a big-bucks, class-action lawsuit seeking reparations for slavery. On what legal grounds, against whom, on behalf of whom, and in which court? The attorneys haven't figured out those pesky details yet. But...

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