The New York Times -- unrelenting champion of the underprivileged, mighty battler against all corporate evils, and vehement opponent of Republican tax cuts for the "rich and powerful" -- lives by a far more self-serving motto: All the corporate welfare that's fit to...
Michelle Malkin
Please contact your local newspaper editor if you want to read the MICHELLE MALKIN column in your hometwon paper.
Vile 9-11 Vultures
The fraud trial of Cyril Kendall begins this week in New York City. Kendall is a 52-year-old Guyanese national who has apparently used every chance he has had in America, including the September 11 attacks, to scheme and scam. He faces felony grand larceny and forgery...
Day Care and Dead Toddlers
Every summer, the stories come. And the tiny bodies pile up. "Toddler trapped in hot van dies." "Kids die from heat in SUV." "Baby boy dies in hot van." Some of the tragedies involve outright parental neglect -- a father who recklessly leaves an infant in the driveway...
America’s Spy Software Scandal, Courtesy of the U.S. Department of Justice
Did Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden have access to a U.S. computer tracking program that enabled them to monitor our intelligence-gathering efforts and financial transactions? If so, who is responsible for allowing the program to fall into their hands? And who else...
What Makes an American?
Thousands of people from around the world will raise their right hands, swear allegiance to the United States, and become proud American citizens this weekend. They will become Americans because they choose to do so, they love what we stand for, and they are willing...
Grateful for the Patriot Act
To civil-liberties alarmists, Viet Dinh is a traitor. To me, he is an American hero. Dinh, 35, is widely known -- and reviled -- as the primary architect of the Patriot Act. Until May, he was an assistant attorney general for the Office of Legal Policy in John...
Cancer Cluster Bluster
Exploiting junk science is great for re-election campaign coffers. Thus, one of Sen. Hillary Clinton's first major crusades after she took office was to whip up public health hysteria on Long Island, where some activists have blamed slightly elevated breast cancer...
Asian Americans: Guilty of Success in America
There was only one thing that disturbed me more than President Bush's mushy comments praising socially engineered campus "diversity" this week. It was the newspaper photos and television broadcasts of militant Asian activists joining other liberal minority students...
If Seattle Could Edit History…
One of the things that drove me craziest when I lived in Seattle several years ago was the astounding ability of the city's politicians to suck the plain meaning out of words-and to replace them with a rhetorical muddle as gray and hazy as the city's famous skies....
Roman Polanski and R. Kelly: Pedophilic Celebrities are Above the Law
Polanski plied her with champagne and Quaaludes before raping her in Nicholson’s whirlpool.
The Other Lott Controversy
For those few of us in the mainstream media who openly support Second Amendment rights, research scholar John Lott has been -- or rather, had been -- an absolute godsend. Armed with top-notch credentials (including stints at Stanford, Rice, UCLA, Wharton, Cornell, the...
The Other Beltway Shooter
He struck during morning rush hour. He used an AK-47 rifle. He killed two people and wounded three outside the CIA headquarters in Langley, Va. Then, he slipped out of the country and eluded authorities for four, long years. He was the other Beltway shooting spree...
How your Tax Money Supports Amiri Baraka’s Hatred America
Amiri Baraka hates America. Yet, in the land of the free that he despises so deeply, this black nationalist writer has had no trouble finding fellow Americans to show him love. At the top of Amiri Baraka's donor list: The American taxpayer. In the 1960s, Baraka (then...
Lawmakers Who Love Lawbreakers
Democrat Sen. Bob Torricelli of New Jersey is not through yet. While media pundits are busy writing his obituary, the Torch and his colleagues continue to make America safe for lawbreakers. On Sept. 23, Torricelli and Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, D-S.D.,...
Coloring the Sniper News: The Angry White Male Theory
MONTGOMERY COUNTY, Md. -- Some profiling experts are convinced that the roving sniper who has terrorized my neighborhood and surrounding communities is a white male. -- Dr. Michael Welner, a forensic psychiatrist at New York University Medical Center, described the...
The Rise of Religious Radio
NPR liberals are horrified. Across the country, thousands of radio listeners are tuning out conservative-basher Nina Totenberg, and tuning in conservative heroine Phyllis Schlafly. The growing Christian radio audience is bidding "adieu" to "Morning Edition" and saying...
Crusading to Keep Kids Clueless: Public Education Monopoly Cracks Down on Home Schooling
The public education monopoly can't stand the thought of "unqualified" parents teaching their own children. That is why they are cracking down on home schooling, even as a new study shows that thousands of public school teachers themselves are shamefully unqualified...
Protect America: Stop Marrying Terrorists!
Here's another item to add to Dr. Laura's list of "10 Stupid Things Women Do to Mess Up Their Lives": Stupid treachery. An alarming number of American women have ruined their lives -- and threatened the lives of their fellow citizens -- by marrying Middle Eastern...
End Sanctuary for Illegal Immigrants
What does fighting terrorism have to do with stemming massive illegal immigration? Much more than government officials have been willing to let on over the past year. When September 11 hijackers Hani Hanjour and Khalid Almihdhar needed help getting fraudulent...
Who Will Replace James Ziglar?
Good riddance to James Ziglar, the hopeless head of the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) who announced his resignation last month. This is a man whose main qualifications for the nation's top immigration enforcement job were his boyhood friendship with...
Hillary and the Great Clitoridectomy Hoax
Being a feminist means never having to say you're sorry. Witness The Great Clitoridectomy Hoax -- brought to you by the unapologetic, estrogen-fueled brigade of Gloria Steinem, Julia Roberts and Hillary Clinton. In 1997, a West African woman calling herself "Adelaide...
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