Religion’s alleged harmony with science is a fraudulent masquerade, extending only insofar as religious dogmas are not called into question.
Keith Lockitch
Green Energy Fantasy
If we want to restore economic growth and reduce our vulnerability to the elements, what we need is not “green energy” forced upon us by government coercion but real energy delivered on a free market.
The Real Meaning of Earth Hour
Earth Hour symbolizes the renunciation of industrial civilization.
The Green Energy Fantasy
The reality is that “green energy” is at best a sophisticated make-work program.
The Real Meaning of Earth Hour
Earth Hour presents the disturbing spectacle of people celebrating those lights going out.
It Isn’t Easy Being Green
Environmentalists are criticizing “buying green,” because at root they are against buying anything.
It’s Time to Silence Silent Spring
The root of the opposition to DDT is not science but the environmentalist moral premise that it is wrong for man to “tamper” with nature.
Rachel Carson’s Genocide
The root of the opposition to DDT is not science but the environmentalist moral premise that it is wrong for man to “tamper” with nature.
The Religious Conservatives’ War on Birth Control
Virtue, according to Christianity, consists of sacrificing one’s desires and goals in the name of fulfilling one’s duties to God. Sex, on this premise, is at best a necessary evil–a sinful act, justifiable only by the duty to procreate.
The Conservatives’ War on Birth Control
Their war on contraception is not a war against the alleged excesses of the “birth control revolution”–it is a declaration of war against the pursuit of happiness.
Reject Environmentalism, Not DDT
The WHO’s support for DDT use is an encouraging step toward stopping this global health catastrophe. But even more important is to reject the environmental ideology on which opposition to DDT is based.
September 11th: Where Have Our Leaders Gone Wrong?
Our leaders have failed to answer the evil moral ideal of Islamic totalitarianism with a rational ideal of our own.
“Intelligent Design” Is about Religion versus Reason
What makes “intelligent design” an inherently religious viewpoint is its appeal to a supernatural “designer.”
“Intelligent Design”: Religion Masquerading as Science
Its advertising to the contrary notwithstanding, “intelligent design” is inherently a quest for the supernatural.
War on Terrorism: Why We Are Losing Hearts and Minds
Where have our leaders gone wrong? What kind of leadership failure can demoralize a whole nation of honest, productive citizens, while leaving suicide murderers stirred to righteous action?
The Bait and Switch of “Intelligent Design”
The central issue under debate is whether “intelligent design” is, in fact, a genuine scientific theory or merely a disguised form of religious advocacy–creationism in camouflage.
Silent Spring Revisited: Rachel Carson’s Environmentalist Diatribe vs. Science
The root of the opposition to DDT is not science, but the environmentalist moral premise that it is wrong for man to “tamper” with nature.
The Easter Masquerade
Religion’s alleged harmony with science is a fraudulent masquerade, extending only insofar as religious dogmas are not called into question
The Real Museum Looters
Initial reports of the looting of the Iraqi National Museum sparked a frenzy of outrage. Denied their desert quagmire, their civilian massacres, their oil-fire eco-disaster, and their inflamed "Arab street," leftists all but leaped at the opportunity to denounce our...
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