Edwin Feulner

Edwin Feulner is president of The Heritage Foundation (http://www.heritage.org), a Washington-based public policy research institute.

Maybe U.N. doesn’t have to stand for Utterly Negligent

In recent years, the United Nations has often gone out of its way to avoid getting involved in the world's trouble spots. It ignored genocide in Darfur. Pulled out of Iraq in 2003. Done nothing to stem Iran's nuclear ambitions. Can an organization this compromised do...

A “Do-Something” Congress

Lawmakers can rack up some real accomplishments if they're willing to reconsider some of the bipartisan reform measures scuttled by President Clinton. You've no doubt heard by now what political pundits on both sides of the ideological aisle are saying about the...

Listen to Venus Williams Advice on Taxes

Basically, the tax system is designed to punish success. Work harder than the next guy, innovate, invest wisely, or get lucky--and the government will put the squeeze on you. Almost every argument made by liberals against tax cuts, it seems, comes down to a familiar...

Who are the “Wealthiest One Percent of Taxpayers”?

So who are these cads, this "wealthiest 1 percent of taxpayers," anyway? We heard a lot about this select group of villains in the presidential debates. Indeed, certain politicians almost seem to hold their noses, their voices dripping with disdain, as they deplore...

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