Edwin Feulner

Edwin Feulner is president of The Heritage Foundation (http://www.heritage.org), a Washington-based public policy research institute.

CEObama: The Car Czar

As the saying goes, be careful what you wish for -- you just might get it. Just ask American car makers. In December, the CEOs of General Motors and Chrysler flew, hat in hand, to Washington. They needed billions of taxpayer dollars to stay out of bankruptcy court,...

Labor Unions vs. Labor

Some holidays inspire us to celebrate our collective heritage. We watch fireworks on July Fourth. On Memorial Day we remember the sacrifices made by our troops for the advancement of freedom. Labor Day, like the movement it symbolizes, is much younger than those...

Star Wars: Why We Need a Missile-Defense System

Let's face it: Perfect safety doesn't exist. No matter what we do, there will always be those who want to kill us because they hate our freedoms, because they hate freedom, or just because they hate Americans.That's why we need a missile-defense system -- today more...

Tax Unfairness

It's not often one can say France's tax policy make more sense than ours.After all, in 2000, the average Frenchman paid 54 percent of his income in state and federal taxes, while the average American paid 42 percent. That, of course, is one reason why our economy is...

A No-Account Debate

"Grandma Doesn't Scare Anymore," reads the headline of a post-election Wall Street Journal editorial noting the success of candidates who back Social Security reform. Seniors are "willing to listen to politicians who tell them the truth about the system's long-term...

Simplify the Tax Code with a Flat Tax

It's come to this: The federal government has accumulated such a huge backlog of uncollected tax debts that the IRS is thinking about hiring private bill collectors to help track down the missing funds. They're also offering deals to taxpayers who use certain tax...

The Real Accounting Problem in America

Is it me, or have recent business stories begun to resemble episodes of VH-1's "Behind the Music"? Think about it: Executives cook the books and make millions. They live fast and high on the company dime, buying items such as $6,000 shower curtains and African...

Modern Academia: The Educational Equivalent of Fool’s Gold?

Parents should pay close attention to what courses students are expected to take at colleges and universities. Used to be, parents had to warn their college-bound sons and daughters not to let frat parties and football games interfere with their studies. Now they have...

ABM Treaty: Not With a Bang…

Here we are, officially leaving the confines of the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, and hardly a peep can be heard from the arms-control crowd. Excuse me, but where's the outrage? For years, they warned us not to withdraw. They told us how the treaty formed the...

Tax Me More Fund

In December, the governor of Arkansas created the "Tax Me More Fund," so people who consider themselves undertaxed can donate more to the state government. Even with the economic recovery underway, state lawmakers nationwide are finding it tough to balance their...

Sherlock Holmes and The Case of the Missing Surplus

Even if you’re not a fan of detective stories, you may enjoy this recently discovered Sherlock Holmes story – one that few devotees of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle even knew existed. It’s called “The Case of the Missing Surplus.”

Taxes: On Holiday

President Kennedy and President Reagan understood that the best way to put more money in people's wallets is to leave it there in the first place. It may have taken a war and a recession to do it, but quite a few liberal politicians are jumping on the "tax-holiday"...

In Defense of Missile Defense

"No progress on ABM Treaty," blared the headlines as President Bush and Russian President Vladimir Putin departed the Bush ranch in Crawford, Texas. Those of us who want America to build a missile-defense system as soon as possible missed out on what would have been a...

Avoiding the Next Nightmare

The United States has buried its head in the sand for too long. Despite the continued talk of unity, some in Washington -- for whatever reason -- still want to tie up or slow down America's missile defense program. Pretend for a moment it was Israel, rather than the...

Shooting Down Missile Critics

American know-how can surmount virtually any obstacle. Yet we're to believe that missile defense is impossible? Baloney. To hear some critics tell it, America's planned missile-defense system is based on the B-movie fantasies of former actor President Reagan. It'll...

A Lower Debt Should Not Come Before Lower Taxes

Lowering the debt is a good idea--President Bush would reduce it to $818 billion by 2011--but a lower debt shouldn't come before lower taxes. Can you feel the beat? It's the sound of Washington liberals banging the national-debt drum to drown out the conservative...

Grade Padding at Harvard University

Our colleges are losing touch with reality. The padded grades they're giving out don't help our students. Harvey C. Mansfield teaches political philosophy at Harvard University. And if there were a class in "how to get yourself into trouble with your bosses and your...

The ‘Middle Way’ is Stagnation: Laissez-faire!

On-again, off-again experiments with free-market policies don't lead to happy economic endings In a scene from Alfred Hitchcock's 1954 movie "Rear Window," Jimmy Stewart and Grace Kelly argue about whether they'll ever marry. Kelly wants a commitment; Stewart prefers...

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