How would you feel if you needed an organ transplant to keep you alive, but could not get one? How would you feel if someone you loved had to stand in line for years waiting for a transplant that might never come? Would you be willing to pay for a liver or a kidney if...
David Holcberg
Is Genetically Engineered Food Good Or Bad For You?
The shelves of our supermarkets are full of Genetically Engineered foods. From popcorn and tomatoes to beans and berries, they are all around us. Multinational corporations are investing billions of dollars on research and development of GE foods, and farmers are...
“Protectionism” vs. Human Rights
Is the protection of domestic jobs more important than the protection of individual rights?
Moral Inversion in the Middle East
Israel should never have engaged in peace talks with a man who has repeatedly called for its destruction, and who has actively planned, led and participated in terrorist attacks that resulted in the deaths of hundreds of its citizens.
In the Battle for the Presidency, Who Should Win: Man or Machine?
The only thing all Republicans and Democrats seem to agree with, is that the vote count should be "fair, accurate, and final." But what do these concepts mean? Who should do the counting? And how should the counting be done? These concepts certainly seem to mean very...
Who Owns Your Genes?
Our genes are stretches of DNA that we got from mom and dad. They have been with us since our beginning. Genes built our bodies. They exist in each and every one of our cells. It seems reasonable that our genes shouldn't be anybody else's property. Yet, many...
Who Should Take Credit for America’s Prosperity: Bill Gates or Bill Clinton?
It seems Bill Clinton is trying to fool us again, this time into believing we owe him our prosperity. In the Democratic convention, he proudly claimed responsibility for the last eight years of unprecedented progress and prosperity in America. The false but widespread...
Will A Right To Prescription Drugs Kill Both The Sick And the Healthy?
Al Gore promised to provide prescription drugs "coverage for all" American senior citizens if elected president. Democrats applauded, and Republicans timidly committed to a plan that makes "coverage … available for all seniors." What would follow if such a commitment...
The Antitrust Craze
Most of us can name no more than a dozen antitrust prosecutions under the Clinton Administration. However, since 1994, the Department of Justice has filed over 500 antitrust suits against American companies. The majority of suits went unnoticed, and only a select few...
Is a “Right to Prescription Drugs” Good Medicine?
Al Gore promised to provide prescription drugs "coverage for all" American senior citizens if elected president. Republicans, afraid of not jumping on the bandwagon and missing out on the next elections, joined the Democrats, and committed to a plan that also makes...
The Environmentalist Crusade Against Progress and Technology Aims at Making Man’s Life a Hell on Earth
We are fortunate enough to live in the US at the beginning of the 21st century and enjoy all the benefits of modern science and technology. Human life is now longer, healthier and richer than ever before. But not everybody is happy about it. Some people would rather...
Freedom is the Solution for Quality in Education
Despite the tragic results of public education, American parents have yet to realize that to properly educate their children, they must entirely reject the current state-controlled system. They must demand that government give them back their taxed money so they can...
Clinton Tries To Take Credit For Celera’s Achievement
Celera’s achievement rendered the government-funded Human Genome Project obsolete. It demonstrated that the public endeavor was a waste of time, money and resources. Yet, Clinton managed not only to save face, but also to share in Celera’s glory and advance the idea that greater government involvement in science is a good thing.
The Environmentalist Evil
Environmentalism regards man as a spreading cancer that must be eliminated at any cost. And its leaders mean it. Environmentalism is at root a movement against man. As novelist and philosopher Ayn Rand observed, “… [their] ultimate motive [is]…hatred for achievement, for reason, for man, for life.”
What Happened to Our Right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness?
On Independence Day we commemorate the birth of America as a free nation. But even more than that, we commemorate the birth of Americans as free men. At a single stroke, the Declaration of Independence and its ideals set America free from England, and set Americans...
Who Is The World Health Organization Trying To Fool?
On June 21st, the World Health Organization published The World Health Report 2000. The most remarkable fact about the report does not concern its results, but rather the underlying premises that guide the organization and that led to such results. The results of the...
Let’s Kill the Death Tax
On June 9th, by a majority of two thirds, Congress representatives voted to repeal the federal estate tax. The most impressive thing, however, was to hear arguments for the repeal being advanced on moral grounds. It seems that at least some politicians grasped the...
An Open Letter to Bill Gates
The Justice Department committed a grave injustice against you, Bill Gates. Your crime was to be too ambitious and too successful in a society riddled with envy. You were condemned for your ability, which made you stand out from the crowd.The wealth you own is the...
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