The freedom of the capitalist countries has created the most upwardly mobile societies of history, with hundreds of millions of human beings currently enjoying middle class comforts -- people whose ancestors were poor just one or two centuries ago, or, in some cases,...
Andrew Bernstein
Global Capitalism: The Solution to World Oppression and Poverty (Part 2 of 3)
To fully understand capitalism — its nature and genesis — it is necessary to know the source of its fundamental principles. Where did the ideals of individual rights and political-economic freedom originate?
Global Capitalism: The Solution to World Oppression and Poverty (Part 1 of 3)
A proper understanding of capitalism is sorely lacking today.
The Purpose of Memorial Day: Honoring Virtue
The greatest soldiers of American history knew that freedom was sacred; no price paid on its behalf was a sacrifice.
The Essential Conflict: Freedom Versus Dictatorship
We have the military power; we have the moral right. The defense of our lives only requires that we properly identify our enemies and eliminate them.
The Philosophical Foundations of Heroism
What, the first question must be, is the distinguishing essence of heroism?
Bill Clinton and Socialized Medicine
The choice facing Americans is stark: the rights-respecting free market of capitalism, where goods and services are produced in abundance, including health care–or the chronic disasters of socialism, where thousands die because of continuous shortages.
The Olympics Represent the Best of Western Civilization
The Olympics were born, and then reborn, in essentially secular, man-worshiping societies.
The Injustice of the Insider Trading Laws
Martha Stewart is an enormously productive businesswoman caught up in a network of immoral laws. It is far more just to repeal the laws than to punish one who obstructed an investigation that was wrongful from its inception.
Religion and Capitalism Are Antithetical
The Defenders of Capitalism Should Invoke Secularism and Reason, Not Religion and Faith, as Their Justification
The U.S. Must Stop Undermining Israel’s War on Terrorism
President Bush acknowledges that Yasser Arafat has "failed as a leader" and recognizes that his promises to fight terrorism are nothing but empty lies. So why does his administration oppose Arafat's elimination? If Bin Laden or Saddam Hussein were holed up in a...
Liberalism vs. Individual Rights
Most Americans think slavery ended with the 13th Amendment in 1865. It did, in the United States. But it is alive and well today in the Sudan and Mauritania. In these African countries, blacks suffer at the hands of Arabs, who ransack villages, kill the men and sell...
Introduction to “The Capitalist Manifesto”
An Excerpt from the first draft of the Introduction to Andrew Bernstein’s forthcoming book The Capitalist Manifesto.
A Free Market Will Solve America’s Energy Problems
In recent weeks American consumers have experienced two-dollar-per-gallon gasoline prices, and predictably, many politicians and commentators blame the "greed" of U.S. oil and power companies. The truth, however, is that shortages occur when demand exceeds supply, and...
Capitalism Is the Cure for Africa’s Problems
A specter is haunting Africa-the specter of starvation. At least 2.5 million Zambians currently face famine, as do millions more across southern Africa-in Lesotho, Mozambique and Zimbabwe. The United Nations estimates that more than 14 million Africans face possible...
In Defense of the Cowboy
Those who oppose war with Iraq--from foreign heads of state to homegrown antiwar protesters--employ a common expression of contempt for the American war effort. America, they sneer, is acting like a "cowboy." A mock interview with Saddam Hussein conducted by a...
Tis the Season…to Understand Individual Rights
Most Americans think slavery ended with the 13th Amendment in 1865. It did, in the United States. But it is alive and well today in the Sudan and Mauritania. In these African countries, blacks suffer at the hands of Arabs, who ransack villages, kill the men and sell...
Heart of a Pagan, Chapter 2: The Coming
Excerpted from Andrew Bernstein's Heart of a Pagan: The Story of Swoop. Chapter 2: The Coming "Hoppo to the heights now!" Swoop roared that afternoon when he walked into our locker room for the first time. He swaggered through the door and slung his purple gym bag to...
Books: Heart of a Pagan, Chapter 1: The Spirit and the Flesh
Adapted from Andrew Bernstein’s Heart of a Pagan: The Story of Swoop.
Nobel Peace Prize Should Go To Those Who Really Support Peace
The Nobel Peace Prize was just awarded to Jimmy Carter. Although Carter's efforts to convince Egypt to recognize Israel's right to exist was a genuine achievement, he has otherwise continuously betrayed the principles on which peace depends. For many years Carter,...
Allowing Israel to Destroy the PLO Helps Defend the U.S.
It is time that the United States recognize the true nature of Yasser Arafat and his regime. The PLO has been engaged in a terror campaign against Israel for decades, and today supports fanatical suicide bombers, who deliberately target and murder innocent civilians....
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