An open letter to President Trump:
Congratulations to you. In no particular order, here are some public policy recommendations.
1. Continue to recognize that pernicious human-caused warming is nothing but leftist-environmentalist propaganda. Dismiss it out of hand. Drill, baby, just drill. The increased petroleum production will literally fuel the US economy.
2. Deport (or execute) the violent criminals among illegal immigrants. Build the wall, patrol it, and enormously cut illegal immigration. For the honest, hardworking illegal immigrants, who are neither criminals nor welfare recipients, is it possible to at least consider offering them the chance to become US citizens? Surely, there is always room for honest, productive people in the land of opportunity. But legally ban all Islamic immigration into this country. There are millions of peaceful Muslims in the world, no doubt. But they are nominal Muslims. Everyone should read Ibn Warraq’s brilliant book, “Why I Am Not a Muslim.” He shows that the jihadists have vastly more textual evidence in Islam’s holiest books, both the Koran and the Hadith to support their view of Islam than have the liberal, peaceful Muslims. When nominal Muslims study, understand, and apply their religious principles, they often become holy warriors. The media says they’ve become radicalized. The truth is they’ve become Islamified. Islamic philosophy is violent, aggressive, warlike, and evil. Keep them out.
3. Back Israel to the hilt. Help them destroy Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis. Sanction and cripple Iran. Do not let those monsters develop nuclear weapons. Continue your outstanding work with the Abrahamic Accords. Broker peace treaties between Arab nations and Israel and continue to isolate and punish Iran.
4. Is it possible to reason with a brutal power luster like Putin? If so, get him to the negotiating table, broker a peace treaty, and end that murderous war in Ukraine.
5. End all woke DEI racism in the US government and military. Stand up powerfully for color blind individualism—the only cure for racism—and for a merit system.
6. You and Elon Musk must speak out powerfully for freedom of speech and practice it, even for your vile leftist enemies. Answer their vicious propaganda with evidence, reasoning, and truth. You fight falsehoods and lies with truth, not with suppression and censorship.
7. Use your influence to curtail your party’s religious fanaticism to ban abortion. Protect a woman’s right to her own body. In the first trimester, there is no rational case to be made that the fetus is a human being. At the very least, stand up for a woman’s right to abortion in the first trimester.
8. Stop talking about military force to take over Greenland, the Panama Canal, and such. We are not Communists, Nazis, or Muslims. Those lands have great strategic value, it is true. Negotiate and purchase those territories if you can. But military force is out.
9. Make the US military lethal again—as a force to defend freedom, not to conquer foreign lands and innocent people.
There is a lot more—but this will make a good start. Thank you, Mr. President, and welcome back. You’ve been missed.