On March 1, 1973, eight Palestinian Black September killers stormed the Saudi Arabian Embassy in
The next day, after President Nixon and other leaders announced their refusal to negotiate with the terrorists, Moore, Noel, and Eid were taken to the basement of the embassy, lined up against a wall, and machine-gunned to death–the killers firing first at their feet and legs and gradually moving upward in order to extend their suffering.
Yasir Arafat denied involvement. He hid behind the ruse that Black September was a group that had broken away from his own Al Fatah organization. Western leaders did not challenge Arafat’s assertion. Rather, they granted him political respectability and touted him as a man dedicated to peace. He visited the White House regularly, and even received the Nobel Peace Prize. He smiled in public while he orchestrated more attacks on Americans. For over thirty years, seven American administrations and myriad State Department employees accepted Arafat’s lies and denied his murderous nature.
In May of 2006, a State Department historian released a 33-year-old memo that confirmed Arafat’s direct involvement in every aspect of the attack in
Arafat’s actions were nothing less than an act of war against
The big story here is not Arafat’s thuggish nature, nor even his attacks; thugs are plentiful in warlord societies, and similar attacks have continued for decades. The big story is the role of Americans (and Europeans) in keeping Arafat in power despite their knowledge of who he was and what he did. American officials evaded the identity of this enemy, granted him the status of a political leader, and empowered him. It was the sanction of the
Ayn Rand called such sanction “the sanction of the victim”; it entails placing one’s virtues in the service of one’s own destroyers by granting an undeserved moral status to one’s enemies. As philosopher Leonard Peikoff wrote, the sanction of the victim means:
a man’s willingness to embrace his exploiters, to pay them ransom for his virtues, to condone and help perpetuate the ethical code which feeds off those virtues, which expects them and counts on them at the very moment it is damning them as sin and condemning their exponents to hellfire. (Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand, p.333)
This accurately describes the relationship between the
Those who sanctioned Arafat actually protected him and his ilk. They were afraid to condemn him because they were, on some level, ashamed to proclaim their own goodness. It is high time that Americans reverse this pathetic, suicidal policy, recognize our moral superiority, withdraw support for our enemies, and call for our government to destroy those who seek our destruction.
Thanks to Caroline Glick for her report on the attack and the memo: “With the quiet release of a 33-year-old US State Department cable, a good chunk of the edifice of the longest-running big lie was destroyed.” For a chronology of attacks against Americans, click here.