On June 13, USA Today declared that “The debate’s over: Globe is Warming.” That’s another headline you can ignore. The world has been warming ever since the last Ice Age, but it is not rapidly warming in ways that threaten our existence, nor warming in a way that requires the industrialized nations to drastically cut back on their use of energy to avoid the many scenarios of catastrophe the Greens have been peddling since the 1980’s.
Catastrophic global warming is a classic scare campaign initiated by the Greens after a previous effort in the 1970s to influence public policy by declaring a coming Ice Age failed to generate any response. What we are seeing now is yet another worldwide coordinated campaign by the Greens to rescue the anthropogenic global warming theory from the junk heap to which it should be consigned.
In early June, the National Resources Defense Council, one of the large Green organizations, declared that, “[Human-caused, i.e., anthropogenic] Global warming is fast becoming the number one environmental problem of our time.” It has organized an Internet campaign led by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Sen. John McCain, and other so-called environmental leaders to drum up the fears of people who know little of the real science of the Earth in order to force the US to implement the United Nations Kyoto protocol on “climate control.”
The NRDC declared, “The world’s leading scientists now agree that [anthropogenic] global warming is real and is happening right now. According to their forecasts, extreme changes in climate could produce a future in which erratic and chaotic weather, melting ice caps and rising sea levels usher in an era of drought, crop failure, famine, flood and mass extinctions.” Scary, eh? One huge volcanic eruption could this. As to the weather, it is the very definition of chaos and has been for billions of years.
The good news is that leading climatologists and meteorologists are actively debunking this nonsense. One of them, Dr. F. Fred Singer, president of the Science and Environmental Policy Project, is in the forefront. He debunks a June 7 statement issued by several national academies of sciences just before Britain’s Tony Blair arrived for talks with President Bush, saying, “The Statement simply regurgitates the contentious conclusions of the (UN) International Panel on Climate Change report of 2001, which has been disputed by credible scientists. The so-called scientific consensus is pure fiction.”
Among the data he cites is the fact that, “Since 1940, there has been a 35-year-long cooling trend and not much warming in the past quarter-century, according to global data from weather satellites.” Moreover, “an extrapolation of the satellite data gives at most a fraction of a degree rise for the 2lst century,” adding that, “The IPCC further claims that the 20th century was the warmest in the past 100 years, but this myth is based on a seriously flawed publication. The IPCC also claims that sea levels will rise by up to nearly a meter by 2100; but every indication is that they will continue to rise inexorably and much less, as they have for nearly 20,000 years since the peak of the last Ice Age.”
Bear in mind that the IPCC is a creation of the United Nations and we have all seen how corrupt that institution has become, failing to fulfill its mandate for a more peaceful world while seeking to become a world government that would destroy the sovereignty of the United States and all other nations.
Other scientists have joined Dr. Singer to dispute the global warming claims. Paul Knappenberger of the University of Virginia, says of the claims made by the science academies that, “What is missing is the scientific assessment of the potential threat. Without a threat assessment, a simple scientific finding on its own doesn’t warrant any change of action, no matter how scientifically groundbreaking it might be.” What passes for a threat assessment is simply the claims being made. Knappenberger noted, “The fact of the matter is that there does exist a growing body of scientific evidence that the climate changes in the coming decades will be modest and proceed at a rate that will lie somewhere near the low end of the IPCC projected temperature range.”
Here’s what you must keep in mind; the IPCC claims are based on what virtually every scientist knows to be seriously flawed computer models for its projections. In short, we are being asked to believe what computer engineers are telling us, not what credible climatologists and meteorologists are telling us. There isn’t a computer model for the world’s weather that can reliably predict the future by more than a week at best. This is why tracking the routes of hurricanes proves so difficult. This is why blizzards often turn out to be better or worse than initial projections.
Iain Murray, another scientist, laid into the statement of the national academies for having committed the sin of advocacy. “Climate alarmists in the scientific community now face a long retreat, while the victory of President Bush’s position on the issue seems assured. Even the hopes of European intervention are dashed.” The US Senate unanimously rejected signing the Kyoto protocol many years ago. “Rational nations will not take action if the costs of the action outweigh the benefits,” said Murray of the protocol’s demand for energy caps on emissions while exempting nations like China and India, each with more than a billion people.
Meanwhile, in Congress we have people like Sen. Jeff Bingaman (D-NM), the ranking member of the Energy and Natural Resources Committee, seeking to introduce legislation that would put “caps” on emissions of greenhouse gases and implementing what is essentially the Kyoto protocol that the Senate rejected long ago. The US Department of Energy has estimated that a cap-and-trade program such as Bingaman proposes would cost $331 billion in lost GDP between 2010 and 2025. Other Senators like McCain and Lieberman have similar strategies.
There is no scientific consensus. There is only the manipulation of public opinion and the effort to influence public policy. There is no catastrophic global warming and no way that any limits on energy use could have any effect on it if it did exist. The catastrophic global warming is a classic scare campaign and we may well be witnessing its last desperate gasps as more and more scientists step forward to debunk it.