First they destroyed the gasoline station, so that you have to drive miles out of your way to get gas. Then they destroyed a parking lot. Now they want to destroy a dam and a reservoir that supplies more than 2 million people with water.
No, these are not al-Qaeda terrorists. These are our own home-grown fanatics — and the places mentioned are all in
They call themselves environmentalists but a more accurate term would be green bigots. What makes someone a bigot is that he wishes to deny other people the same rights he has. That is the hallmark of the environmental zealot.
Green bigots operate internationally, just like the more famous fanatics. They are trying to stop a hydroelectric dam from being built in
African economist James Skikwati in
A hydroelectric dam in
By and large, the green bigots use politics, nuisance lawsuits, and physical obstruction, rather than violence, but some of them do not hesitate to booby-trap trees, threatening those who cut them down with injury or death. And they use the media to spin their party line.
A recent newspaper story — headlined “Renaissance at
If people wanted to get out of their cars and onto bikes and buses, they could have done this at any time and without any wrangling. We are talking about green bigots forcing millions of visitors to
Such ego trips by coteries of self-exalting people are treated in the media as idealism, rather than the petty tyranny it is.
Making it a hassle to drive a car in
When you are in your own car, you can stop and get out to walk around when you see something you like, or just go to the bathroom when you need to. When you are regimented in buses, you can go only when and where the bus schedule permits. For young children and the elderly especially, this can turn what could be an enjoyable experience into needless stress.
The last thing you can expect to learn from most media accounts of the activities of green bigots is an account of other people’s objections to their power grabs.
Instead, there is a whole vocabulary of misleading words used to paper over and sugar coat the plain fact that green bigots feel entitled to impose their vision at the cost of other people’s rights. Thus it is called a “renaissance” to lose your right to choose what you want to do in
There is never a lack of excuses when people want to boss other people around. There are lots of vague and lofty words about a “fragile” or “sensitive” environment — but ask the green bigots for concrete criteria by which we can determine whether a particular environment is or is not “fragile” or “sensitive.”
Then ask for hard evidence. You are not likely to get any.
The story about the “renaissance” in
Maybe honesty needs to be restored.