Why did the Republicans get a “bounce” after their convention, while the Democrats did not?
Many pundits certainly expected a Democratic National Convention bounce. The Los Angeles Times’ Ronald Brownstein, before the DNC, argued that Democratic presidential candidate Sen. John Kerry “is likely to receive the traditional ‘bounce’ from the convention if he can use the opportunity to impress voters . . . ” According to political strategists, wrote Brownstein, “If Kerry and his aides can shape the convention to serve (his) goals . . . then the event will be a success — and the bounce will follow.”
Cartoon by Cox and Forkum
But, no bounce. Why? The Republicans successfully attacked Kerry for flip-flopping on
“60 Minutes” asked Kerry whether — if he knew then what he knows now — he would still vote for the presidential authority for war in
At the RNC, Georgia Sen. Zell Miller (D) rattled off a litany of weapons programs Kerry voted against. Vice President Dick Cheney said, “Sen. Kerry is campaigning for the position of commander in chief. Yet he does not seem to understand the first obligation of a commander in chief — and that is to support American troops in combat.”
President George W. Bush, in accepting his party’s nomination for a second term, emphasized national security, while reiterating broad goals to reform the tax code, make the tax cuts permanent, and to allow younger workers to invest a portion of their Social Security taxes.
But not one hour after President Bush’s Thursday night address at the RNC, a panicked Kerry held an
After shaking up his top advisers, Kerry apparently intends to focus on the economy. Here again, Kerry faces trouble. He criticizes the Bush administration for “inheriting a surplus and turning it into a deficit.” But the National Taxpayers’ Union added up Kerry’s spending proposals: more than $2.26 trillion over a 10-year period of time. To “pay for” the spending, Kerry intends to repeal Bush’s “tax cuts for the rich.” Bush’s critics reject the argument that tax cuts improve the economy, thus increasing tax revenues. They claim the tax cut “cost” the Treasury approximately $100 billion a year. Still, this does not close the deficit. Kerry claims to be strong on national security, and does not intend to reduce spending on national security and homeland defense. So who pays?
So let’s sum up. The Democrats offer a candidate fuzzy on the war in
The passion at the DNC registered high on the anti-Bush quotient and low on pro-Kerry sentiment. Republicans, on the other hand, salute President Bush as a principled, unpretentious, likable man with an intense love for his wife and family. First lady Laura Bush stands as the epitome of class, dignity and grace.
Some pundits expect the race to tighten again, and suggest the upcoming debates as race-changing variables. Perhaps. But, above all, Americans want a leader they trust, and whose positions they know, even when they don’t agree.
Good luck, Sen. Kerry. You’ll need it.