“Alongside our famous individualism, there’s another ingredient in the American saga. A belief that we’re all connected as one people…. It is that fundamental belief–I am my brother’s keeper, I am my sister’s keeper–that makes this country work…. E pluribus unum. Out of many, one.”
So says Barack Obama, the new darling of the Democratic Party.
This may well be the most horrifying thing to be said in the 2004 Presidential campaign.
Nothing could be further from the truth. America has been the one place on earth where individuals are not required to be their brother’s keepers. By respecting the innate right of man to be his own individual, a society of unprecedented wealth, innovation and human progress developed.
I shudder when I hear the ideas of America’s future leaders–or at least those whom our media anoint as future leaders. I look to the ash heap of history, the ruins of Communism and collectivism throughout Russia, Eastern Europe and elsewhere in the world. And I see America turning towards the very notions that brought that ash heap into existence. The victims of these systems struggle to get out of collectivism while we embrace it, at least in theory, every chance we get. What is wrong with this country? Or at least those who claim to lead us?
Let me make it clear: I am not my brother’s keeper. Nor are you. We need only be our own keepers. In so doing, we can preserve the land of the free and reach unimaginable levels of human potential. Human talent is an individual matter. Brains belong to the one, not to the many.
Obama’s world very much resembles Osama’s–Osama bin Laden, that is. Obama’s vision for America is grounded in Osama’s, only with a prettier, well-shaven face. Sacrifice of the self to the collective is the creed of both men. Obama wants a secular, socialistic collective while Osama wants a religiously based one. In the end, what’s the difference? Either way, it’s a catastrophe waiting to happen.
You don’t build greatness on the notion of self-sacrifice and collectivism. You don’t achieve greatness by merging the one into the many. The many amount to nothing without the achievements of the one.