Three Cheers for Wal-Mart

How would you like to be penalized because you do your work too well–for example, for running your business so effectively that it attracts hoards of happy customers? Well, this is what is happening more and more frequently to Wal-Mart. Recently the West Covina,...

The New Yorker on Michael Moore

There is so much that is overpoweringly vile about Larissa MacFarquhar’s portrait of Michael Moore in the this week’s New Yorker, that it is hard to know where to begin. Start with the multiple layers of radical chic phoniness entailed in the New Yorker...

The Equality Dogma

Some readers objected to a statement in this column that black students usually do not perform as well in school as white students or Asian American students. These readers seemed to think that this was a personal opinion — or even an immoral statement. It never...

The Dobbs Rogue Fund

Researching an article on outsourcing a week ago, I came across a remarkable list on the website of CNN’s Lou Dobbs. It was a sort of rogues’ gallery, touted nightly on the show. “These are companies,” says the Dobbs site, “either sending...

Equality, Inequality and Fate

One of the confusions that plagues discussions of equality and inequality is a confusion between the vagaries of fate and the sins of man. There are plenty of both but they need to be sharply distinguished from one another. The plain fact that there are large...

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