From the Howard Dean for President website:
“Repeal the Bush tax cuts, and use those funds to pay for universal health care, homeland security, and investments in job creation that benefit all Americans.”
In other words: Raise taxes, nationalize medical care — turning doctors into slaves and patients into wards of the state — and transfer wealth from those who earn it to those who will administer even more useless government programs than we already have.
“Set the nation on the path to a balanced budget, recognizing that we cannot have social or economic justice without a sound fiscal foundation.”
In other words: Instead of transferring 40 percent of private wealth into government hands, transfer 60, 70 or 80 percent — whatever we can get away with — from the productive to the nonproductive. Call it justice and dare opponents to question us. To the few who do question us, call them selfish. If all else fails, find an excuse to gag them or even jail them. However, calling opponents selfish is much more likely to paralyze them than jailing ever would.
“Create a fairer and simpler system of taxation. Assure that Social Security and Medicare are adequately funded to meet the needs of the next generation of retirees.”
In other words: Take more from the wealthy and give it to everyone else as an entitlement. Use the wealthy to make the middle-class even more dependent on the welfare state (Medicare, Social Security) than they already perceive themselves to be. Beat George Bush to the punch. Don’t just give ’em free prescription drugs — give them everything, free of charge! Show Bush what compassionate government is really all about. Equalize wealth on the premise that the wealthy will cheerfully keep on handing over the loot even though 70 or 80 percent of what they earn could now be taken from them, instead of a “mere” 20, 30 or 40 percent.
“I will appoint an Attorney General who sees our constitution not as a document to be manipulated, ignored, and violated, but who recognizes and respects it as the fabric that binds the American community together.
In other words: Rights exist not to protect the individual’s liberty to be free from the coercion of the mob; rights exist to force the individual to be herded into the community, like it or not. Binding means, quite literally, binding each individual into chains. The group or the government trumps the individual, every time.
“As governor of Vermont, I took action to protect our environment and preserve our land. One hundred years from now, long after my governorship has ended, Vermonters will continue to hike, camp, hunt, fish, and farm lands that will be forever pristine, because we protected hundreds of thousands of acres of land from development.”
In other words: Nothing should ever, ever change. Everything should be the way it was 200 years ago — exactly as it was. Since this isn’t possible, we’ll settle for the next best thing. Everything will freeze exactly as it is now. No more development, period. I did it for Vermont, and now I’ll do it for the rest of the country. We’ll have one big vacationland with no hint of productivity whatsoever.
“Federal labor law should be amended to declare that a union is established whenever a majority of workers have signed cards stated that they wish to unionize.”
In other words: All businesses and employers must accept unions whether they want them or not. The right to hire and fire is hereby rescinded. The government now supports the right of all workers to unionize as a final, absolute and out-of-context right. There is no more private ownership, other than perhaps in name only, since we don’t want Americans to perceive that what we are actually implementing is outright socialism. Unions will essentially own all businesses with the full backing of the federal government–which means government now owns businesses and has full authority over all hiring and employment decisions.
“As President, I will make job creation a top priority. Good jobs are the result of sound fiscal policies, progressive tax practices, and practical, necessary investments in our communities.”
In other words: Jobs don’t happen because productive, creative capitalists create businesses and jobs. Jobs happen because Presidents redistribute 60, 70 or 80 percent (the more the better) of private wealth into activities they see fit to subsidize. It worked in Russia. It’s working in Cuba and North Korea. Now let’s make it work in America.