Sept 11th: One Month Until The Anniversary

by | Aug 21, 2003 | POLITICS, Terrorism

Next month it will be the second anniversary of the worst day in American history. How goes the war? To our government’s credit there has not been a repeat terrorist attack in the US. The Taliban government was overthrown. Saddam Hussein is no longer a potentially dangerous wildcard that might have helped terrorists get weapons […]

Next month it will be the second anniversary of the worst day in American history. How goes the war?

To our government’s credit there has not been a repeat terrorist attack in the US. The Taliban government was overthrown. Saddam Hussein is no longer a potentially dangerous wildcard that might have helped terrorists get weapons of mass destruction. Hundreds, if not thousands, of terrorists and their supporters have been detained or killed.

How about the other issues?

America’s “Friend” Saudi Arabia
To this day they have not once provided any significant intelligence about terrorist operations inside their kingdom, even though all of the 9/11 terrorists were either Saudi or had strong Saudi ties. The official Administration policy remains: the Saudis are our friends. Clearly the White House remains “the White Tent,” beholden to the kingdom’s elaborate system of bribery.

Iran The State Sponsor of Terrorism
Iran is the leading state sponsor of terrorism: they directly control the Arab’s terror war against Israel. They are dealing with North Korea in the WMD trade. Iran is sending insurgents into Iraq and stirring the Shi’ite majority to rebellion against US occupation. Yet reports are that the Administration is heeding the State Department’s advice and leaving Iran alone.

Feeding North Korea’s Army
North Korea is threatening nuclear war, and selling WMD technology to terrorists and terrorist sponsoring countries, yet the US government contributes to international food aid to feed its army. Our government is doing nothing to stop their nuclear weapons armament program or their exporting business of WMDs.

The Syria Dictatorship
Syria is still supporting terrorist attacks against Israel, and sending in insurgents inside Iraq to attack US soldiers. Yet our government has expressed lukewarm words about the Ba’athist dictatorial government.

Islamic “Peace”
Despite overwhelming international hostility among the Islamic world toward America and its values, despite the fact that there is virtually no Islamic voice that steadfastly condemns terrorist attacks against the US, despite Islamic religious and ideological foundations of the war, our President continues to endorse Islam as “a religion of peace.” This is as traitorous as calling, after Pearl Harbor, the cult of Hirohito a “peaceful religion.”

Undermining Israel
The Bush Administration is complicitous in letting go hundreds of Palestinian terrorists from Israeli jails, opposing Israel’s defensive wall along its border, and financing the Palestinians despite the fact they are blatantly a terrorist organization. (Israel is committing suicide; Bush is simply helping.)

Domestic Insecurity
Political correctness have trumped reasonable and necessary security practices such as “profiling.” The Bush Administration tacitly endorses the terrorist supporting Council for American Islamic Relations (CAIR), an organization whose leadership openly expressed hope that the USA would one day be ruled by Islamic law, and who is a leading opponent of real security precautions–for obvious reasons.

The Democrats are already questioning and even condemning the war against Iraq, which is nothing surprising because liberals are brazenly anti-American when it comes to foreign policy. But what is most troubling is that neither the Bush Administration nor any Republican I heard is able to persuasively defend the war. They’re on the defensive, which is amazing giving the obvious and just reasons for the war.

Paying Tribute to the Priests of Anti-Americanism
After the United Nation’s fit about the war, we continue to take its abuses even while they are demanding that the US send soldiers into strategically meaningless Liberia. The Bush Administration is, as usual, torn on the issue. Surely it will get involved: seven troops are there already. As if we have nothing better to do with military resources now than to get involved in a civil war in a trivial country.

I could go on and on about what isn’t being done, but I’ll stop now. On balance the American government has really done nothing to stop the war being waged against us.

The views expressed above represent those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the editors and publishers of Capitalism Magazine. Capitalism Magazine sometimes publishes articles we disagree with because we think the article provides information, or a contrasting point of view, that may be of value to our readers.

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