A Polluted Process: Horse-Trading with Energy Policy
Politics, they say, is the art of compromise. You give something, I give something. In the end, we wind up with something everyone’s happy with. That’s how worthwhile legislation is forged, right? Yes, usually. But compromise could earn a bad name from the...The Real Accounting Problem in America
Is it me, or have recent business stories begun to resemble episodes of VH-1’s “Behind the Music”? Think about it: Executives cook the books and make millions. They live fast and high on the company dime, buying items such as $6,000 shower curtains...The Case for Action Against Iraq
There is no honest question that Saddam is evil. Saddam is a dictator in the classic Stalinist model and Iraq is the antithesis of a free republic. Rather than make reason, persuasion and individual freedom the hallmark of its regime, Iraq relies upon the systematic...Congressman Jim McDermott: Saddam Hussein’s Useful Idiot in the U.S. Congress
Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, post-Sept. 11, held up a New York Post headline, “Bush Knew.” “Bush knew,” said Sen. Clinton. “The president knew what?” Then Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, D-Ga., on a radio talk show, insisted that...Dangerous Restraint
President George W. Bush’s speech on Iraq in effect reiterated what Edmund Burke said more than two centuries ago: “There is no safety for honest men except by believing all possible evil of evil men.” Today, in a nuclear age, those words apply more...The Rise of Religious Radio
NPR liberals are horrified. Across the country, thousands of radio listeners are tuning out conservative-basher Nina Totenberg, and tuning in conservative heroine Phyllis Schlafly. The growing Christian radio audience is bidding “adieu” to “Morning...Permission to Speak: The End of Free Speech
Two recent events show the real meaning of two popular ideas: “hate speech” regulations and campaign finance controls. The real meaning of both is the end of free speech. The first story comes from Canada, where “hate speech” laws are already...Black Leaders Silent Over Mugabe’s Destruction of Zimbabwe
Mugabe has created a disaster for both white and black Zimbabweans in the name of reparations and land redistribution.