by Radley Balko | Oct 17, 2002 | POLITICS
This time, it’s a traveling museum exhibit entitled “Target America: Traffickers, Terrorists and You.” The exhibit harmonizes chunks of World Trade Center rubble and pictures of the scarred Pentagon with paraphernalia seized in international drug... by Larry Elder | Oct 17, 2002 | POLITICS
Singer/activist Harry Belafonte viciously lashed out at Secretary of State Colin Powell, calling Powell a house slave and a lackey to “master” George W. Bush. “You got the privilege of living in the house,” said Belafonte, “if you served... by Robert W Tracinski | Oct 16, 2002 | POLITICS
Since when did being a journalist mean forgetting your responsibilities as a human being? If you think I’m being too harsh on today’s press, consider the coverage of the Beltway Sniper attacks. It goes beyond just publishing leaked information about... by Thomas Sowell | Oct 16, 2002 | POLITICS
The politicization of prizes was never more blatantly revealed than in the comments of two of the members of the committee that awarded former president Jimmy Carter the Nobel Prize for peace. One member clearly implied that the prize was meant as a criticism of the... by Michelle Malkin | Oct 16, 2002 | POLITICS
He struck during morning rush hour. He used an AK-47 rifle. He killed two people and wounded three outside the CIA headquarters in Langley, Va. Then, he slipped out of the country and eluded authorities for four, long years. He was the other Beltway shooting spree... by Thomas Sowell | Oct 15, 2002 | POLITICS
Perhaps the massive bomb blast on the Indonesian island of Bali will cause some second thoughts — or perhaps first thoughts — by those who blamed the United States for having provoked the September 11th attacks by its actions and policies in the Middle... by Walter Williams | Oct 15, 2002 | POLITICS
Here’s what I said in last year’s November column: “George Mason University economists are leaders in economic thinking. They include scholars such as Nobel Laureate James Buchanan, who along with his colleague Gordon Tullock, pioneered the field in... by Don Luskin | Oct 15, 2002 | POLITICS
Friday marked the 1001st day since the Dow Jones Industrial Average touched its all-time high at 11908.50 on Jan. 14, 2000. 1,001 days was the precise duration of the bear market that followed the peak of Sept. 7, 1929 — which included the Great Crash and... by Nicholas Provenzo | Oct 15, 2002 | Crime
On September 29th, 2002 in Milwaukee, a 14 year-old teenager threw an egg at a man, named Charlie Young. The man in turn struck the teenager for throwing it, knocking out the teenager’s tooth with the force of his hit. “According to police, a mob of boys...