by Nicholas Provenzo | Oct 3, 2002 | Free Speech, POLITICS
Last weekend’s anti-capitalist demonstrations in Washington were every bit what most observers expected them to be: sessions in idiocy, lunacy and general mayhem. As expected, portions of the city were significantly impacted by the demonstrations and despite... by Don Luskin | Oct 3, 2002 | POLITICS
At the top of the late great bull market in 2000 investors kept coming up with reasons why stocks weren’t really overpriced. I came up with a few juicy theories myself that will live forever in the Rationalizations Hall of Fame. But now, in the bowels of the... by Michelle Malkin | Oct 2, 2002 | Education, POLITICS
The public education monopoly can’t stand the thought of “unqualified” parents teaching their own children. That is why they are cracking down on home schooling, even as a new study shows that thousands of public school teachers themselves are... by Nicholas Provenzo | Oct 2, 2002 | POLITICS
Consider the following statement issued on September 27, 2002 at a press conference by the leaders of last weekend’s “anti-capitalist convergence” in Washington, DC after hundreds of protestors were arrested for acts of violence and disorder,... by Dr Michael Hurd | Oct 2, 2002 | POLITICS
Agitated reader: I just can’t stomach your narrow minded opinions anymore. What gives the United States moral authority to wage a war against not just a tyrant, but innocent people? Dr. Hurd: What exactly would broad minded opinions consist of? Treating the... by Robert W Tracinski | Oct 2, 2002 | POLITICS
The market is in another slump, and investors’ savings have once again shrunk. So now is the perfect time to make the case for privatizing Social Security. This is not the conventional view on the subject. In the run-up to next month’s elections,... by Andrew Bernstein | Oct 1, 2002 | Middle East & Israel, POLITICS
It is time that the United States recognize the true nature of Yasser Arafat and his regime. The PLO has been engaged in a terror campaign against Israel for decades, and today supports fanatical suicide bombers, who deliberately target and murder innocent civilians.... by Dr Michael Hurd | Oct 1, 2002 | Middle East & Israel, POLITICS
A reader from a major news network writes in: Reader: Going to war with Iraq is so stupid for so many reasons that I can’t take the time to address them all. Needless to say, there is NO evidence of weapons of mass destruction. Dr. Hurd: So it doesn’t... by Thomas Sowell | Oct 1, 2002 | POLITICS
California’s Governor Gray Davis has gotten himself some front-page headlines, not only in California but across the country, by signing into law the first mandated provision for paid leave from work (at half pay) for people who say that they have family...