by Thomas Sowell | Jun 17, 2002 | POLITICS
One of the many reasons why economists are unpopular is that they keep reminding people that things have costs, that there is no free lunch. People already know that — but they like to forget it when there is something they have their hearts set on. Economists... by Robert W Tracinski | Jun 17, 2002 | POLITICS
Today, more than a million people in Zimbabwe are starving, and up to three million face the imminent prospect of starvation. This has not yet excited much attention in the West. Zimbabwe, after all, is far away from the centers of American interest; all of our top... by Michelle Malkin | Jun 16, 2002 | POLITICS
Remember those public-service ads with the politically correct cast of actors staring into the camera and stating, “I am an American”? Something always bothered me about that campaign. It was the snarly attitude that many of the cast members had while... by Larry Elder | Jun 16, 2002 | POLITICS
What causes poverty? A Santa Monica, Calif., high school teacher required his class to write an essay to address this question. Steve Miller, one of his students, attributed three things to poverty — violent crime, government programs and irresponsible breeding.... by Thomas Sowell | Jun 15, 2002 | POLITICS
One of the problems that urgently needs some serious thought by President Bush’s proposed new Homeland Security Department is the problem of what to do about enemies already living within this country. Our legal system has not yet faced the grim implications of... by Larry Elder | Jun 15, 2002 | POLITICS
“He is the man in charge of America’s wallet, and I am looking to open it.” So pronounced rock star Bono as he and Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill embarked on a four-nation African “poverty tour.” Bono, a longtime activist for... by Walter Williams | Jun 14, 2002 | POLITICS, Terrorism
Imagine you’re a munitions manufacturer, and you manufacture hand grenades for the military. Your contract requires a guarantee that 99 percent of the hand grenades delivered are not duds. What do you do? If you assumed there was an equal probability of every... by Jeff Jacoby | Jun 14, 2002 | POLITICS
The next time you see a picture of Yasser Arafat, take a look at his keffiyeh, the black-and-white headdress he never appears without. He wears it in an unusual style, carefully folded so that it comes to a peak at the top, drapes down over his left shoulder, then... by Thomas Sowell | Jun 13, 2002 | POLITICS
It is not clear whether the newly proposed Department of Homeland Security will have jurisdiction over terrorists who have been captured. But somewhere those in high authority need to confront the great dangers inherent in trying members of international terrorist...