President Clinton is angry because Americans supposedly waste too much food, especially at holiday time.
World hunger is not a problem of redistribution.
World hunger does not exist because you throw out half a stick of butter or an unfinished Coke.
The real problem is that poor, starving countries have no economy. Why do they have no economy? The specifics vary from country to country. But the underlying cause is always the same: lack of respect for the values of individualism, rationality, and capitalism.
Third world countries can’t become like the U.S. so long as they continue to hate us for who we are. They say we’re not religious enough, and that we place too much emphasis on secular values and materialism. Yet they’re starving and we’re not. They say we allow too much freedom and individualism. Yet they’re impoverished while even our poor seem rich by comparison.
So if President Clinton’s heart truly bleeds for the poor, he should become a champion of rationality, individualism, and capitalism — instead of his continuing advocacy of watered-down socialism, neurotic guilt, and conspicuous compassion.