Black History Month: Why Don’t They Teach About the Arab-Muslim Slave Trade in Africa?

Black history is American history. It ought not be “relegated” to a month, and slavery ought not be relegated to only the European slave trade.

“Life” in Cuba for Elian

I’d like to share some thoughts regarding life in Communist Cuba, important to know and understand prior to formulating an opinion on the Eliàn Gonzalez case, or life in the Island.

Elian Should Stay Free in America

Elian Should Stay Free in America

“If the courts send Elian back to Cuba, it will be a slap in the face to every American living or dead — a repudiation of the very principles upon which this country was founded,” she said.

A Firsthand Account Of Child Abuse, Castro Style

A Firsthand Account Of Child Abuse, Castro Style

I was in solitary confinement in Fidel Castro’s tropical gulag — where I spent 22 years for refusing to pledge allegiance to the Communist regime — when I heard a child’s voice whimpering. “Get me out of here! Get me out of here! I want to see my mommy!”

Whitewashing Castro’s Crimes

One day Castro’s brutality will end. But that end will not be hastened by the Western press, which cannot seem to shed its esteem for Fidelismo

Ayn Rand Heir Asserts Elian’s Right to Remain in U.S.

Ayn Rand Heir Asserts Elian’s Right to Remain in U.S.

“The liberals want Elián returned to Cuba, because they regard the difference between the United States and Cuba as ‘merely a difference of political opinion,’ merely a matter of ‘how you define freedom.’ In other words, as statists themselves, they see nothing objectively wrong with Cuba.

Russia’s Chance for a Free Market Future

Russia’s Chance for a Free Market Future

Winston Churchill once described Russia as a mystery wrapped in an enigma. The election of Vladimir Putin as Russia’s new president for the next five years has in no way diminished this imagery. Groomed in the ranks of the KGB, the Soviet secret police, Putin has...

A Sin to Deport Elian Gonzalez

A Sin to Deport Elian Gonzalez

It would be a sin to deport Elián Gonzalez. To send a child to rot in the prison of Cuba for the alleged sake of his own well-being is criminal hypocrisy. To send him there in order to preserve his father's rights is absurdity, since there are no parental or other...

Keep Elian Free

The debate over Elián Gonzalez, the 6-year-old Cuban boy whose mother died trying to bring him to America, hinges on one essential question: Is freedom a necessity of human life? For our own sakes, we must answer this question with a resounding "Yes"--and keep Elián...

England, The Euro, and Socialist Europe

For years the socialists have been claiming that England should join the single European currency (the Euro) and should follow a central economic policy as voted by all 15 nations. England, we are told, faces dire economic woes if it fails to join the economic "party"...

The IMF in Brazil: The Emperor Has No Clothes!

I'm not sure what's more infuriating: witnessing Brazil's drawn out slow-motion crash and burn after an endless string of stupid policies over the past year; the sudden breakdown in devaluative stupidity; or enduring the lame economic analysis that ensued in the days...

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