Capitalism creates through freedom; the state destroys via regulation; capitalism gets the blame.
The Ambassador and the Post Office: A Lesson on Freedom from India
You can always keep anything old, clunky and inefficient still in business, if you are willing to pour unlimited amounts of the taxpayers’ money down a bottomless pit.
Capital in the 21st Century: Thomas Piketty’s Envy Problem
A tired old recipe for global communism in 21st century pseudo-academic clothing.
The Inequality Trap Distracts from the Real Issue of Freedom: Thomas Piketty’s Capital in the Twenty-First Century
Rather than asking the source or origin of that wealth — production or plunder –the egalitarians like Thomas Piketty merely see that some have more wealth than others and condemn such an “unequal distribution,” in itself.
Gary Becker (1930-2014)
Nobel Prize-winning economist Gary Becker was internationally renowned within the economics profession, but was not nearly as well known among the general public as he deserved to be.
The Moral Bankruptcy of Our Educational System
Too many of today’s “educators” see students as a captive audience for them to manipulate and propagandize.
Wage Discrimination
There are inequalities everywhere. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, Asian men and women have median earnings higher than white men and women. Female cafeteria attendants earn more than their male counterparts. Females who are younger than 30 and have never been married earn salaries 8 percent higher than males of the same description.
Investors Ignore Frightful Geopolitics
When the former Soviet Union collapsed almost 25 years ago, most global strategic forecasters assumed that the U.S. would adapt pragmatically to her new status of sole world superpower. Instead she has pursued a variety of misguided nation-building adventures and has...
Taxing By Inflation
If you put $1,000 in your piggy bank in 1960 and took it out to spend in 2000, you would discover that your money had, over time, lost 80 percent of its value.
How Minimum Wage Laws Increase Poverty
The principle here is that we need to look to greater economic freedom, not greater government intervention, as the path to economic improvement for everyone, especially the poor.
Is There Wage Stagnation?
Many economists, politicians and pundits assert that median wages have stagnated since the 1970s.
Leadership and The BB&T Philosophy
The foundation of BB&T’s success is its principles.
Pros and Cons of Capital Gains Taxes
Reducing investors’ incentives to take risks is reducing the jobs their investments are likely to create.
How The FED Taxes The Poor
One of the biggest, and one of the oldest, taxes is inflation. Governments have stolen their people’s resources this way, not just for centuries, but for thousands of years.
More on Bitcoin: Why It Cannot Replace Money
Why does anyone use bitcoin and what accounts for its popularity in some countries and industries?
Why Bitcoins Will Go To Zero, But Gold Will Not
Another view on Bitcoins.
Bitcoin Revolution
Risky as this new currency may be, I still trust it more than I trust politicians.
Income Inequality vs Productivity Inequality
Far more important than income inequality is productivity inequality.
The Politics of the Minimum Wage
The politics of the minimum wage are simple. No congressman or president owes his office to the poorly educated black and Latino youth vote.
The ‘Trickle-Down’ Economics Bogeyman
It is not just in politics that the non-existent “trickle-down” theory is found.
Too Big to Pop?
It’s as if the concept of “too big to fail” has evolved into the belief that some bubbles are too big to pop.
The Minimum Wage Forces Low-Skill Workers to Compete with Higher-Skill Workers
The efforts underway by the Service Employees International Union, and its political and media allies, to raise the minimum wage from $7.25 to $15 per hour would, if successful, cause major unemployment among low-skilled workers, who are the supposed beneficiaries of...
Bitcoin Takes on Gold
All that glitters is not gold.
Let There Be Light
The proper role of the government is not to tell companies what to produce and sell and to consumers what to buy.
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