Progress In a Free Economy

The Industrial Revolution has allowed mankind to improve his environment.

Bush Trumps Reagan

The optimism that has followed the election of Donald Trump has pushed the Dow Jones Industrial Average to the threshold of 20,000, a level that will be both a nominal record and a symbolic milestone. Although this is not the way most observers had predicted that 2016...

Globalization Faces Challenges

Globalization Faces Challenges

Those countries that embrace free trade with new technologies stand to reap great rewards. Those who do not, and revert to trade protectionism, could experience economic recession and monetary adversity accompanied by serious social and financial upheaval.

War on Cash Spreads to India

War on Cash Spreads to India

The war on cash is a sign that central banks may see a dangerously deteriorating situation, one that has led to a feeling of desperation by governments and a wish to control the wealth of citizens.

War on Cash Spreads to India

Over the past year, central banks, commercial bankers and prominent economists have expressed the view that digital money and transfers should replace large denomination cash and cash transactions. This dramatic transition has been fostered under the guise of the...

Economic Ideas: Adam Ferguson and Society as a Spontaneous Order

Economic Ideas: Adam Ferguson and Society as a Spontaneous Order

One of the most cherished misunderstandings, if not delusions, of the social engineer – the individual who would presume to attempt to remake society through conscious and planned design – is the confident belief that he (and those like him) can ever know enough to successfully remold mankind and human institutions.

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