Given the media’s obsession with some of the President Trump’s communication challenges, it was utterly predictable that the President’s declaration that his trip to Europe and the Middle East should be considered a “home run” was met almost universally with ridicule....
Economic Ideas: Frédéric Bastiat on the Law of Liberty and Free Markets
Almost 170 years have passed since Frédéric Bastiat’s death, but there are few writers on economic topics that remain as readable or relevant to the issues of our own day.
Political Planning Requires Coercion; Market Planning Requires Cooperation
The essential element in government planning is the threat or use of force to make all the others in society conform to political planner’s purposes and intentions.
The Virtue of Profit Maximization
There is no virtue in restraining the pursuit of profit: profit maximization is moral.
Trade Deficits Are Only Dangerous When Caused By Government
Governments have sold their bonds to fund vote-buying welfare state spending, or expanding bureaucracies with loyal supporters of power-hungry politicians, or on delusional dreams of military power, or colossal public works projects hailing the greatness of the dictatorial or democratically elected leader.
Wrong Lessons from Canada’s Private Currency, Part 3
The real lessons to be learned from Canada’s 19th-century currency system.
Wrong Lessons from Canada’s Private Currency, Part 2
The real lessons to be learned from Canada’s 19th-century currency system.
Wrong Lessons from Canada’s Private Currency, Part 1
The real lessons to be learned from Canada’s 19th-century currency system.
What Is a Government Worker Worth Without a Free Market?
Where are you more likely to earn a better salaried income, in the private sector or working for the government?
Making a Financial Choice: More Capital or More Government Control
The Federal Reserve’s monetary and regulatory policies were major contributors to the 2007-2009 Great Recession.
Defending The Innovative Uber Against The Predatory Government
No matter what the management troubles at Uber, it must be defended against any government tax grab or regulation potentially suffocating the company.
The Socialist Fallacy That Capitalism Creates Harmful Monopolies
The narrative of ‘the monopolist jacking up prices to exploit its customers’ only applies to government-granted monopolies, such as the postal service or many utilities.
Trump’s Anti-Capitalist Economic Trade Policies
Economic warfare threatens a downward spiral with reduced trade among nations, and declining standards of living from following this wealth-destroying path.
The Consumer Price Index: A False Indicator of Our Individual Costs-of-Living
A false guide for central bank monetary policy.
Government Regulations Protect Bad Banks From Competition
The best way to spur ethical conduct by banks—trading value for value with their customers—is to deregulate banking.
How the Fed’s Monetary Policies Caused the Great Recession
John Allison's testimony before the Subcommittee on Monetary Policy and Trade, Committee on Financial Services, United States House of Representatives on March 16, 2017. Chairman Barr, ranking Member Moore, and members of the committee, thank you for inviting me to...
Trumpcare: Different Plan, Same Problems
With his widely followed, and positively reviewed, address to Congress last week, President Trump showed how easy it could be to unite Washington around a big-budget centrist agenda on health care, immigration, taxes, infrastructure and the military. But the continued...
Laissez-Faire Capitalism Is The Political-Economic Foundation of Innovation
The only thing governments can do to facilitate innovation is to stay away from markets and allow companies compete and trade freely.
Economic Ideas: Karl Marx’s Misconceptions about Man and Markets
Though it may seem strange, Karl Marx was not always a communist. As late as 1842, when Marx was in his mid-20s, he actually said he opposed any attempt to establish a communist system. In October 1842, he became editor of the Rheinische Zeitung [the Rhineland Times],...
A Monetary Policy Primer, Part 9: Monetary Control, Today
Instead of endeavoring to influence a market-determined federal funds rate by reducing or increasing the supply of bank reserves, the Fed now adjusts a pair of rates determined solely by its own administrative decrees, while conducting open-market operations without any particular reference to these rate adjustments.
A Monetary Policy Primer, Part 8: Money in the Latest Great Muddle
A stable inflation rate is no guarantee of overall economic stability.
Britain Needs Trump for Smooth Brexit
At the Washington joint press conference with Prime Minister May held on January 27th, President Trump told the watching world, “Brexit is going to be a wonderful thing.” The meeting did much to clear the way for Britain to stand alone and enter trade with the United...
Businesspeople are Producers, not Predators
Businesspeople who produce material values are not the same as crooks who prey on gullible investors or customers or both, and produce nothing.
James Mill, David Ricardo and the Triumph of Free Trade
The nineteenth century victory of free trade over Mercantilism and Protectionism represented one of the great triumphs in the history of classical liberalism.
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